My Slumber Party With Jasmine Villegas Part 2

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Jasmine Villegas: Jelsanna let's make out or kiss.

Me: Whatever you want Jazzy bear!

Jasmine Villegas: Jazzy bear I like it like I like you.

Me: :) Awe Jazzy bear your my everything!

Jazzy Bear: Your my everything too.I love you!

Me: I love you too, Jazzy bear.

Anna: Are y'all gonna make a movie or what?

Jasmine Villegas: Yeah. Jelsanna stand right here.

Me: Jasmine come here.

Jasmine Villegas: Comes up to me then wrappes her arms around me. Elsa kiss me.

Me: Kisses Jasmine.

Anna, Rapunzel, Go Go, Merida, Astrid: Oh Elsa kissed Jasmine.

Elsa: Elsa why did you kiss Jasmine?

Me: I love her.

Jasmine Villegas: I love her too.

Me: Hugs Jasmine.

Jasmine, Me: Falls on the floor.

Me: Smiles :)

Elsa: Elsa get up!

Me: Gets up from the floor.

Elsa: Pulls me close to her, then kisses me.

Becky G: Hi everyone. Cupcake I need to talk to you?

Me: Me wait do you mean Austin!

Becky G: No Austin's not here I'm talking about you.

Me: Why are you calling me Cupcake?

Becky G: I love you Cupcake.

Me: Okay Rebs.

Becky G: Cupcake please call me Beaster or Becky?

Me: Fine Beaster.

Becky G: Hugs me.

Me: Hugs back.

Becky G: Kisses me.

Me: Oh no blushes.

Jasmine Villegas: Becky why did you kiss her?

Becky G: I wanted to see what it would be like to kiss a girl so I came here because I knew Cupcake here would blush if I kissed her and look she did blush.

Me: Beaster what is your dad going to say about this?

Becky G: I already told him.

Me: What why?

Becky G: Well my Mom knew I was in love with you so she told me to tell my dad that we should be together.

Me: Oh my land.

Becky G: Do you want to sleep over my house?

Me: I don't know!

Becky G: Jasmine's going to be there.

Jasmine Villegas: Yeah I'm going to be there.

Me: Yeah I'll come too.

Becky G: Did you ever hear my song Becky from the block?

Me, Jasmine: Yeah it's our favorite song. We're a beaster fan.

At Becky's House

Becky G: So Cupcake I heard someone say you made out with Jasmine V I was thinking maybe we could make out.

Jasmine Villegas: Becky, Snowflake wasn't the one that made out with me I was the one that made out with Snowflake!

Elsa: Snowflake?

Jasmine Villegas: Elsa why did you say Snowflake?

Elsa: Elsa used to call me Snowflake.

Me: Jazzy bear.

Jasmine Villegas: Come here my little Snowflake.

Me: What Jazzy bear?

Jasmine Villegas: Go lay down on Becky's bed.

Me: Goes to Becky's bed and lays down.

Jasmine Villegas: Now Becky go sit I mean lay next to Snowflake.

Becky G: Lays right next to me.

Me: Jazzy.

Jasmine Villegas: I'm here Snowflake. Now Becky wrap your arms around Snowflake.

Becky G: Wrappes her arms around me.

Me: Becky kiss me wait what?

Becky G: Kisses me.

Me: Screams.

Jasmine Villegas: Becky may you please make out with Snowfalls I mean Snowflake?

Becky G: Okay starts making out with me (Snowflake).

Me: No Becky, your just my friend and this will be weird between us so I suggest you stop making out with me or I will push you off of me.

Becky G: I don't think so, Cupcake. Jasmine hold Snowflake's hands so I could make out with her.

Jasmine Villegas: Holds my hands.

Becky G: Makes out with me while kissing me.

Me: Rebs Beaster Becky please stop?

Becky G: No Cupcake.

Me: Becky why are you making out with me you know it's going to ruin our friendship?

Becky G: I don't care Cupcake. I know you and Jasmine make out a lot so why can't I make out with you?

Me: First off your dad will be mad at you and second friends don't make out with each other so I'm leaving. And last I know Jasmine and I make out a lot but that's only because Elsa made her do it.

Becky G: Your not leaving unless I say you could.

Me: Pushes Becky off of me then runs out the house.

Jasmine Villegas: I knew this was going to happen.

Becky G: We're just friends well if we're really just friends then why did Cupcake write a note saying she's in love with me?

Jasmine Villegas: Becky that's not Snowflake's handwriting it's Elsa's handwriting.

Elsa: I didn't write that.

Becky G: Snowflake I mean Cupcake did write this because it says Becky, Becky, Becky G I am in love with you I just didn't want to admit it cause I knew you would make out with me but just to let you know I still love Jasmine, Jack and Elsa. Love Cupcake Elsa Snowflake

Jasmine Villgas: Why would Snowflake say that?

Becky G: I may or may not have beaten her up!

Elsa: Oh Becky only I could be Elsa Cupcake Snowflake up.

Becky G: Is Cupcake going to forgive me?

Jasmine Villegas: Yeah she will.

Becky G: Where is she?

Anna: She's at her house.

Becky G: Let's go.

Jasmine Villegas: No Becky she will come back trust me.

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