Tick Tock

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I always came to the question, 

“Why am I here?”

According to them, I was insane, but I would beg to differ. The only insane one I see is Good Ole Jester Man’s daughter, which I find ironic, seeing as he is the owner of this ‘insane asylum’. I say she’s insane with the fact that she was taunting me. 

“Insane Jane,” She said poking with a mechanical pencil she somehow found, probably her dad “A homeless orphan.”

That’s fair. I thought. I was homeless… and an orphan. I just continued to eat the mush they called mashed potatoes. Apparently, that wasn’t the reaction that she wanted because of what she did next. She continued to poke me but harder. 

“Her dad didn’t love her and her mom was an insane whore.”

I stopped in my tracks and stared at her 

“Say that again. I dare you.” 

She stopped and then gave a mocking smirk.

“What? That your dad didn’t love you or that your mom was an insane whor-”


I love how no one noticed her poking me with a mechanical pencil, but everyone seemed to notice me punching her now broken nose.  

I was now sitting in the quiet room, just listening to the ticking of the clock. I hate the sound of it. I hate clocks. There was only one I was able to tolerate, and that was my dad’s. Of course, that was the one they took away from me,

“You could use it as a weapon.”

That was the dumbest reason I’ve ever heard. First of all, using it as a weapon would ruin it. Second, using it against me by threatening to smash it… that’s a little hypocritical.  


I turned around. 

That’s weird. There’s no one here.

I started to stand up to look around when the door swung open to one of the henchmen. 

“Are you calm now?” He asked in a monotoned voice.

“I’ve been calm.” 

“Are. You. Calm. Now.” He asked again.

I grit my teeth a bit and smiled,


“Then you have permission to leave.” He said. He then turned around and left.

I checked the room to see if anyone was possibly here with me. No one.

Must’ve been just me then.

I headed towards the door, before taking one last peek. That’s when I saw something shiny in the corner. I walked towards it, my curiosity getting the best of me. A rose-gold pocket watch. 

My dad’s pocket watch… 

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