-Dollys suprise-

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I just read over the 2 previous chapters and noticed some spelling mistakes. If you see any in the future feel free to point them out and sorry if some of them made the reading a bit harder to understand.

After a bit more of Sirius's flirting the others joined us in the dining room/kitchen. Just in time as the others entered as did kreacher with the tea. He was their only remaining house elf. All of his family being now hung up in the house somewhere. He dropped the tea off at the table placing tea cups and causers infront of everyone. On his way out Regulus stopped him. He started whispering something in kreachers ear before making his way back to the table. Whatever he had said it had made kreacher stay.

"What's your favorite food Cassie?" Regulus questioned after taking a sip of his green tea.

At first Cassiopeia was shocked by Regulus interest in her food preferences but was even more shocked by the nickname. She felt blush quickly appear on her cheeks but quickly covered it by pretending she had an eyelash stuck in her eye.

" definitely pot roast," Cassiopeia spoke with a smile thinking about how her mother used to make it for her as a little girl.

"Perfect, kreacher get started on a pot roast to be ready for 7 tonight," Regulus said to kreacher. Without another word a pop was heard and Cassiopeia can only guess Kreacher had already started the cooking.

I was a bit confused considering we were only stopping by for a bit, but just assumed we would just have a quick dinner too.

"Thank you but you really didn't have to do that," Cassiopeia said with a smile to Regulus.

After finishing my tea mother looked over at me with a smile. I could tell she was happy with the success with the trip. I could only guess how much it ment to her and father for me to be marrying into such a well known family. Although I had no romantic feeling or felt any of those feeling would be coming anytime soon for Sirius, I assumed we would come to get to know each other over time and those emotions and feelings would follow.

"Cassiopeia, your mother, Walburga and me were all thinking how well you two seem to be getting along, and were wondering if you would like to stay for the week?" Orion proclaimed with a smile at the girl. "It would give you and Sirius some time to get to know each other better and the rest of us too."

"I would be delighted too Mr.Black," I replied politely with a smile. Maybe in this time I will be able to get more comfortable with Sirius. It was a big hard though, he tended to flirt a lot which I found uncomfortable in itself. The knowledge of him sleeping with probably 100 girls, without even speaking more of a word to them afterwards or even trying to learn their names didn't help either.

"Call me Orion dear, you are now apart of the family." I nodded before looking over at Sirius to see his reaction to me staying the week. He looked over and started smirking with a wink before wiggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes at Sirius's attempts to flirt. Regulus seemed to notice the failure on his brother behalf to flirt and started laughing at him. "Not even your future fiancé finds your flirting attractive," he mouthed before looking over at me with a smile. I blushed a bit at him smiling at something I did. No one seemed to notice the blushing as the adults were discussing work and how much Hogwarts has changed since they were there, and Sirius seemed to be in his own world trying to comprehend the fact that his flirting failed him.
That boy too cocky for his own good.

Little did Cassiopeia know, someone had noticed her blushing. Regulus.


"Mother I didn't expect to be staying for the week. I never packed anything, Can you have Dolly send me over some stuff?" Cassiopeia asked before as her mother was leaving.

Dolly had been Cassiopeia's personal house elf since she was 4. During the long years before Hogwarts started Dolly had always kept her company. From teaching her to make cookies, which went surprisingly well, to fashion choices. Surprisingly the elf had pretty good taste and often made some items of her own for Cassiopeia to wear at balls and social events.

" I sure will, and have a good time darling," Marian said before apparating back home. She was scared for her daughter, being away from home so young and with someone she barely knew. But it will be good in the long run and the quicker you make a good relationship with the person your going to hopefully spend the rest of your life with, the better.

"While we wait for your clothes to arrive we can get you settled in a room," Walburga smiled before guiding me up the stairs.

As we walked by the portraits I saw they all were running into each other's paintings as if they just saw the most exciting thing in the world.

"Did you hear the girl is staying over!"

"I heard she is pregnant with triplets by a muggle man who is married!" Exclaimed another.

"Oh just think how beautiful their kids would be," one dreamily stated.

"They are always so dramatic especially Orion's great aunt the one that suggested the pregnancy," Walburga tutted with a shake of her head.

Luckily we made it to the end of the portraits. The endless gossip and bickering was finally over. The hall way had 6 doors before having even more stair cases. One of the doors was open and posters of half naked muggle girls and gryffindor posters were hung up along with clothes all over the room. This was definitely Sirius room. Walburga rolled her eyes at the sight of the room while I sighed.

"Men am I right," I stated.

"I've never agreed with anyone more," Walburga responded with a chuckle.

We made our way up the last set of stairs to find 3 doors. The one closest to the stairs had a sigh out front that wrote R.A.B. "This is Regulus Room as you can see from the sign."she moved only a few feet to point at the next door, " This is the bathroom which you will also have access to from inside your room.
Unfortunately you will be sharing a bathroom with regulus, but I have found he is unnecessarily clean. And this is your room," she pointing to the room at the end of the hall before opening the door.

"Make yourself at home and you can start putting away your stuff when it arrives. Which should be any minute now," Walburga stated looking at her watch before walking back down the stairs.

I walk into my room for the week and find it looks similar to mine at home. Just here there is a king size four poster bed and I have a full view of London out my window. There is also access to the roof which could be nice for looking at the stars.

"Kreacher was sent up to give Miss. Lestrange her belongings. May I come in to put them away?" Kreacher spoke after knocking on the door.

"You may enter kreacher. And you can call me Cassiopeia, Miss. Lestrange makes me sound like a old women on deaths row," I chuckled.

Kreacher entered the room and started putting everything away in drawers. He was about to take out another item from the bag when he screamed and fell backwards.

I walked over to my bag and saw what looked to be a hooker outfit. "Bloody Merlin, sorry about that Kreacher I didn't know Dolly would put such thing in there. I didn't even own one of those!"

Poor Kreacher got what I can assume the scare of a lifetime.

"I'll take it from here Kreacher thanks for the help." At the invitation to leave Kreacher quickly apparated with a pop.

"Oh dear Dolly," I whisper to myself with a sigh.

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