'Misaka's cyborg'

Start from the beginning

Zenku- "Yeah."

Y/N- "Uh... do I have insurance?"

Zenku- "Yes."

I smiled.

Zenku- "But they won't cover for you."

My smile disappeared.

Y/N- "Huh why? WHAT KIND OF INSURANCE IS THAT? Did they not do their job properly? Oh my god!"

Flames started evaporating my body and it was so hot that when the sprinklers activated, it couldn't put out my fire.  My fire was so hot that steam started evaporating inside my body.  It felt weird for a second, but the feeling quickly disappeared.  This was because the box inside my body, opened by itself, smoke entered it, and got rid of it.  I then deactivated my fire.

Zenku- "Don't worry, insurance does do their jobs properly, but it's just that you don't have insurance anymore."

Y/N- "C-can i have a refund? Can you take the box outside my body?"

Zenku- "No, you can't have a refund, your friends, Misaka and Kuroko, already paid for you."

I then groveled on the ground.

Y/N- "Dammit! I have to owe Misaka a debt again? Just how useless a friend am I?"

Zenku- "I wouldn't call it useless if anything Kuroko seemed worried when she teleported you in here earlier, so just consider it for everything you've done for them."

I laughed maniacally.

Y/N- "Everything I've done for them? I wish this wasn't a joke, but I've only known them for two days. There's nothing I could've done for them in that short amount of time besides I'm just a useless human in a scary place full of rich nice monsters called espers."

Zenku sighed.

Y/N- "But anyways what did you find out earlier about my powers with your so-called research?"

Zenku- "What I found out was that you can't use your maximum fire power without a trigger and the insurance thing earlier might've been considered as a small trigger.  Knowing this your powers scales between a level 4 and 5 with a trigger.  At most it's a 4.1.  Without a trigger you're just a level three at most.  However, to become a level five esper you'll also need to work on full control and mastering your abilities.  So right now you're mostly level four because of a few certain reasons."

Zenku thought- he has mastered his flames... but he still needs to work on mastering his other powers, especially because we don't know what his true powers are yet.  Earlier when he was sleeping, he was unleashing some cold icy wind and it seems like he's not aware of his ice powers yet, so I can't really experiment on that.  I'll try to experiment on him once I'm fully prepared, this time was just a practice run.

Y/N- "Awesome!"

Zenku- "if things go well then you might even become the first level six esper.  Well, anyways you'll have to be in here to rest for one more day so just make sure to sleep a lot."

Zenku then stood up and went to the door and opened it.

Zenku- "You have a visitor."

Y/N- "Who is it?"

Misaka entered.

Misaka- "Idiot, you should've been more careful."

She was referring to me pushing my flaming powers too far that it caused me to pass out.  Also, normally she'd call me Baka but by now I feel too used to Japanese that it sounds more like idiot to me now.  Yet, for some reason being called idiot by Misaka is kind of annoying and it hurts my heart. 

Misaka x Male Reader Railgun (A Certain Unknown esper)Where stories live. Discover now