Chapter Two

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A/N: Hi again! Almost thirty of you read chapter one already, so thank you so, so much! I should really start writing this at a normal time of day, instead of at two a.m. eating random desserts. This chapter comes from one of those drumstick ice creams, so enjoy!!

Those who are lost and gone

The halls were cold and clean and empty, as always. L knew they were. But the emptiness never stopped them, the memories. He had spent far too long sitting there, waiting for them fade. But this morning they seemed stuck, for some reason he struggled to decipher. He and Light would be late soon. They were never late. Light still slept peacefully beside him. L hoped Light would wake up on his own, though he knew waiting for this was futile. It was partly (entirely) L's fault, for keeping him up so late the night before, but still...
He was lost in his own head. Of course every morning was like this, but it had never been so bad. It was one of the many reasons L hated to sleep. It broke his focus, and filled his head with memories.
Finally, he shook Light awake, who merely grunted in acknowledgment.
"Good morning, Light-kun. Hurry and get ready, you have a date with Misa at 8:30 this morning."
Light grumbled a bit at this, rolling over on the bed and sitting up.
"You are not looking forward to it?" L asked.
"I just think it would be more productive if I spent that time with the task force, working on the Kira case," Light explained.
"It may be true that we would move faster, however, I would rather not sacrifice any other aspects of your life, no matter how productive it would be."
"Like you're one to talk, Ryuuzaki."
L looked at Light, "If you're basing any of your non-work-related desicions of any kind -particularly those with social aspects- on me, you may need more help than I realized."
Light smiled, slightly, "At least you recognize it, I suppose. I really don't need help, though. It's not like I'll be taking ten sugars in my tea tomorrow morning, or walking around without shoes."
"We should be going, Light-kun, or you will be late."
"Right, of course."
Misa's room was a few floors up from L and Light's shared one. It had the heaviest surveillance as well, which annoyed Misa. It wasn't as if their dates meant much to Light anyway, and the added surveillance of L and the task force made them feel more like a friendly gathering than a real date. Light thought that made them more bearable. He hadn't ever truly enjoyed a date, even though he recalled being on many. Actually, his most interesting date had been the one he had gone on during which he had taken a trip to Space Land. It was, afterall, his only date that had included a bus hijacking. Actually, if Light tried to recall anything that day, it was almost as if his mind was slightly jumbled. His memories bled together in a strange way.
"I suppose," L said, once they reached the elevator. He put a finger to his chin in thought. "We could try other things, if the dates aren't helping you. You would still have them, of course, but I can't imagine they would be all that enjoyable with me third wheeling.
"I don't mind." Light responded, quickly enough that it surprised L a little. Really, he didn't. The dates kept Misa happy, and the surveillance kept Light from feeling like they were real dates.
"Still, is there anything you think of, Light-kun?"
"Not really. Some fresh air might be nice, but I can't think of anything else, and that's impossible while I'm stuck in here," Light said.
L pondered this as they finished the walk to Misa's room. "It wouldn't be against the rules for me to take you to the roof some time."
Light didn't particularly feel like agreeing with anything L suggested, since L still so adamantly insisted he was Kira, but...
"That... that might be nice." Light admitted, "Could we?"
"It's not like you to think about something like this, Ryuuzaki. Are you feeling alright? You haven't accused me of being Kira yet this morning."
"Contrary to what you may believe, Light-kun's safety is a priority of mine. I am far less empathetic towards Kira. It is a shame Kira must be Light Yagami, but I am almost glad," L explained.
Light frowned, "Why would you be glad if I was Kira?" Light asked.
"Because Kira is a genius, of course. He interests me quite a lot." L opened Misa's door before Light could speak again, presumably to deny his being Kira.

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