Chapter 7: Date? Say What?

Start from the beginning

"Oh! Yeah I got the information on the date!" She said excitedly

"Okay go on." I said facing her

"His name is Ethan, He just turned 16, he plays baseball, his favorite color is blue, he likes dogs, he works to help feed the homeless and he's excited to see you!" She giggled at the ending

"Oh my... all I wanted to know what his name was and where we are going not an enitre background check on the guy" I laughed

"Oh yeah! He's taking you to dinner. He said he'll pick you up at 6 on Friday." She said

"Oh Okay." I said noding my nead. The bell rang which meant we had to go to homeroom, Bailey and Kai said goodbye and left. When I shut my locker door I was surprised to see Emmett waiting behind it with a bored look on his face. I screamed and fell on my butt.

"Ow." I said getting up

"You're going on a date with someone you don't even know?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me

"Yup," I said trying to avoid this conversation

"What happened with you and that Kai dude?" He asked

"Well while you were busy getting a girlfriend, I helped Bailey get a boyfriend. Kai." I said proudly

"So you set them up?" He said surprised

"Yup, can I go?" I asked impatiently

"Nope. Why are you going out on a blind date?" He asked suspiciously

"Because I want to be happy with someone, and I can't do that by myself, so Bailey gave me a little push." I said tucking a loose stand of hair behind my ear, But another piece of hair fell infront of my face

"That doesn't sound like you" he said furrowing his eyebrows together

"Well I've been doing things recently that doens't sound like me, I gotta go" I walked passed him and went to homeroom. I really don't know why he's been so bipolar recently. Like one minute he's all sarcastic and acting like a douche and the next he all of a sudden is worried about me? No he needs to stop. Jesus.


The rest of the week flew by quickly and It was already Friday and I'm really nervous about my date today. Like what if he turns out to being a douche or something? I mean I know Bailey wouldn't do that to me. She wouldn't right? Wait I'm thinking about this too much.

I am currently in math class, not paying attention because I know all of this already. What? I'm a nerd don't judge.

The bell rang interrupting my thoughts and it's already the end of school. Emmett's been pretty distant since he found out I had a date. He's been getting rides to and from school with Lauren and he doesn't even come around us at lunch. I guess this is a good thing right? So I can get over him?

'You don't want him away'

But it's easier. Yeah it's easier. I started walking to my car and realized I don't even have to pick up Kyle today. He's going to his friends house for a play date after school. Well I guess I'll just invite Bailey over to help me get ready.

I found that Bailey was waiting by my car with a big duffel bag.

"Hey, um... what's that for?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"OH, this is what I'm using to help you get ready for tonight! Oh yeah I'm coming over." She said with a serious face. I guess she read my mind.

"Okay." I smiled and we both got in the car and drove off.

When we got to my house she made me take a shower and as soon as I got out she brought out all these dresses from the duffel bag. After we picked one, she started doing my hair. She just curled it since it was naturally straight. She did natural make-up which basically meant, a little foundation, eyeliner and mascara. After I was ready I went in front of the mirror and my eyes widened. The girl in front of me, was not me.

"You look amazing" Bailey gawked

"Thank you Bail" I turned around and hugged her

"Hey don't ruin your make up!" She scolded me

"Hey my hugs are amazing don't turn it down over make up!" I teased.

The door bell rang. I looked at the clock and it was 5:50 so I guess he came a little early. Bailey made me wear high heels so she helped me walk downstairs. I answered the door and my jaw dropped. Holy shit. Ethan was Dylan O' Brien's twin. Well this is just ironic isn't it.

"Hey" He smiled

"Hi" I said smiling

"Did you know you were going on a date with me?" I asked

"Yes ma'am" He nodded

"You're Ethan?" I asked surprised

"Yes and You're Nicole." He smiled at me again

"Well I think my mind just exploded, we should go" I laughed a little

"Bye Bailey!" I waved from the car and she waved back

When Ethan got in the drivers seat, he started the car and began driving to our destination.

"So how did you know Bailey?" I asked trying to fill the silence

"Um she's sort of dating my brother Kai." He said shyly

"Wait. Kai's your brother?" I asked trying to process everything. Now that I think about it Kai does kinda look like Ethan.

"Yeah well He's a year older than me, gets more girls then me and way more popular but yeah..." He trailed off

"No way, cause Kai is my brother Kyle's guitar teacher. I kinda set Kai and Bailey up, cause he kinda hi-" I cut myself off not wanting to tell him that his brother hit on me.

"Hold on. Don't tell me he hit on you too." He laughed

"Well... Yeah" I said laughing a little

"Nicole you are the first person to get hit on by my brother and set him up with another girl" He laughed

"Really?" I asked

"Yup" He chuckled wiping a fake tear away from his eye

"Then I should get an award." I smiled

"Well ma'am you do indeed get an award." He said in a southern accent

"and What is that" I laughed

"You get a lovely dinner with a very handsome man who may I say also looks like a well-known celbrity." He said now in a british accent. I laughed

"Well aren't I the luckiest in the land?" I continued playing along. Ethan chuckled

When we arrived at the restraunt all my nervousness left me. Maybe this date won't be so bad...

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