"This is a total Ruzek move," Jay muttered as he held up an empty bottle of ibuprofen.

"Actually, I think Adam's more of a 'put sunglasses on and pretend nothing happened' kind of guy," I say. "But don't worry. I have some in my desk." As Jay and I went to my desk to get the ibuprofen, Voight entered the bullpen, and I figured now was as good a time as any to talk about last night, so I met up with him in his office. "Hey, Sarge. You got a sec?"

"What's up?" Voight quizzed.

"I just wanted to talk to you about what happened last night. It was Will's birthday yesterday, so I offered to go out with him and Jay. I didn't mean to cancel last minute it's just-"

Voight cut me off. "It's okay, Y/n. I understand. 97% of the class still needs to be trained, so you're good."

"Sarge, a call came over the zone," Kim announced. "Home invasion in progress, Goethe and Stone. It sounds like the same crew we've been tracking."

"All right, put us down responding. Have patrol hold down that perimeter," Voight ordered. "Let's go." At the scene, we all climbed out of our respective vehicles and gathered with the other officers, who were surrounding the house.

"The neighbors heard a gunshot and saw a man from the back entering the home. Not sure if anyone's inside. The vehicle in the garage is registered to the homeowners," an officer informed us.

"Kim and I got the back. You five take the front," Voight instructed. Inside of the house, on the first floor, we came across the body of a younger man with blood staining the front of his shirt.

"He's got a pulse," Jay disclosed. "Adam, Y/n, you guys keep going on. The rest of us will stay down here."

Adam and I made our way to the second floor, and it was clear, so we immediately headed up yet another flight of stairs. Adam placed a hand on my back as I ascended the steps, which was a comforting gesture I had come to enjoy. Knowing that Adam had my back instead of someone I wasn't used to was always a plus. On the third floor, boxes of jewelry were laying on the floor, and the sound of glass shattering in one of the rooms down the hall alerted me that someone was still here. I jiggled the handle on the door, and upon realizing that it was locked, I kicked the door inwards. What I didn't expect, though, was to be swung at with a baseball bat by formally dressed woman. I jumped backwards to avoid being hit, and fell into Adam, who steadied me by grabbing a hold of my arm.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's okay," I reassure her. "We're the police. We're here to help you. Please just put the bat down." The woman followed my instructions and dropped the bat, which clattered when it hit the ground.

"I'm gonna keep clearing," Adam notified me and exited the room.

"Are they gone?" the woman questioned.

I nodded. "They're gone. You're okay now." Back at the district we all gathered in the bullpen to share our information and learn more about the case. Kevin went up to the white board and taped a picture down before turning to the rest of us.

"So, the witness was spot on about the BMW. These are the best shots that we got from the doorbell cam. The small offender gets away with a bag of stolen goods and the other offender hops in this car. The tags come back to a recent stolen from Lake Forest. It's a dead end after that," Kevin shared.

"Do we have an inventory of what was stolen?" Voight asked.

"Well, it was insured, so list is pretty detailed. They mostly got Megan's jewelry, but Peter Harper is another story. They got his Submariner Rolex. That's at least 50 dimes," Adam answered.

"Maybe those guys knew about the Rolex," Hailey suggested. "You know, maybe these hits aren't random. Every place that's been hit has had a safe and specific valuables. These guys are obviously doing their homework. So if we figure out how, maybe we can catch them."

Partners in Crime; A Jay Halstead FanficWhere stories live. Discover now