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Natalia pov

the knock on my door made me put my book down and get up to open it, i stood in front of one of mattia's guards, i narrowed my eyes at them. they don't really go up to me unless mattia sends them

"your husband wants you downstairs for breakfast" the guard spoke up. i bit my bottom lip nodding as he walked away after informing me

i walked out my room closing my door behind me as i do so, i made my way downstairs where the kitchen is. i was now standing by the door frame to the kitchen . mattia was by the diner table surrounded by other people i didn't even know, all attention was now on me within seconds

i scanned the room before standing there almost awkwardly, i looked down at my dress, i was ready for the day to leave this house and go somewhere but here, i definitely wasn't planning on being in here with him and other people

"you must be the wife" a warm voice said, i looked over to see a women in her mids 20's

i didn't know what to say, so i just nodded slowly

"well you are just lovely" the same women said, i gave her a smile, she grabbed my hand and took me towards the table where everyone sat

mattia looked at me for a second before going on and talking to the guy that sat next to him

"come set right here" the women said patting the chair that was next to her, i took the seat "what's your name?" she asked me, i looked over at her

"natalia" i smiled

"how lovely, call me amelia" she said follow by a small smile

i looked over at mattia who was still making conversation with people, amelia followed my eyes as they landed on mattia.

"you guys must be happy." she said looking back at me as i did the same

i looked at her giving her a nod and smile, i lied

"are you not gonna eat?" she asked looking down at my plate that i haven't touched, i shook my head. i wasn't really hungry right now

"i'm not hungry" i said

she nodded as she kept eating the food on her plate, at this point everyone was starting to finish eating their foods. i didn't want to be here any longer, i got up making everyone eyes go on me again

"if you excuse me i have to go" i lied

they all said their goodbyes to me as mattia glared at me. i walked out of the kitchen and made my way to exit the house. i was stop by one of mattia's guards

"where are you going?" they asked

"somewhere" i said opening the front door and making my way out. i got into my car and drove off, i honestly didn't know where i was planning on going, i just didn't want to be in the same house as mattia right now, not after his actions towards me yesterday

i decided to drive to the nearest bar for a drink

after the car ride, i got out my car and made my way inside the bar where there was loud music playing, i looked around, it was full with lots of people, most of them being mans

i walked up to the front of the bar

"can i get you something ma'am?" the guy behind the bar asked, i looked up at him and nodded

"champagne" i said.

he walked away and a couple seconds later came back with a glass of champagne. i took it and down it up in one shot

i turned around getting up from the chair, i made my way to the back of the bar but was stopped by a guy who grabbed my waist hard and turned me around to face him, i looked up to an unfamiliar face

i didn't know this guy

"it's dangerous being around here all alone" the guy said bringing me closer to him

his grip on my waist got tighter as he looked down at me. i chuckled trying to pull away only for him to frown and pull me even more closer

"let go of me" i said bringing my hands down to his hands that was still placed on my waist, i grabbed his hands trying my best to pull them off of me. he only kept tightening his grip, no doubt he left a bruise there

"not so soon" he said leaning forward moving my hair back, it immediately disgusted me

i was gonna push him off before he was pulled back by someone

"go fuck yourself" the person said throwing the guy on the floor, i looked up to see kairi, kairi looked down at the guy before kicking him then he looked back at me "let's go" kairi said grabbing my arm

he lead us out of the bar and back to my car

"did mattia send you?" i asked kairi

"no, i was there before you came and saw you needed some help" kairi said looking down at my dress and shook his head "does mattia know where you went?" he asked

"i didn't tell him" i answered

"i'm just glad i was there to help you" he said opening my car door for me, i looked at him "i have to go so i'll see you around" he said walking away


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