12. Goose Chase

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Ethan and I stood there as Lady Dimitrescu walked towards us with rage in her eyes as she extends her nail-claws. "You disgusting outsider! You will learn what it means to insult house Dimitrescu."

I looked at Ethan and then back at Lady Dimitrescu, noticing she was walking straight in between us. I also noticed her speed and how she's internally winding up to attack just like Nemesis and Tyrant. "Ethan! Go now!" I ordered, firing at shot at her to make her focus on me.

Ethan didn't need to be told twice and quickly ran passed her, to which Lady Dimitrescu didn't turn her head to as she marched towards me. "You vermin! It's time for you die for the crimes you committed against house Dimitrescu!" She roared. "Shall I drink your blood fresh, or slice your neck and let it spill out first?"

"How about neither!" I quickly teleported behind her, going through the door Ethan went through going into the hallway. I quickly ran a couple feet and turned right, going through the door leading into the common hall. I entered and saw Ethan at the top of the stairs. "Ethan!" I called out, making him stop and look over the banister. "The key!"

"Shit." I heard him say and rummage through his pockets. I looked between him and the door I came through, feeling Lady Dimitrescu's essence coming towards me. "Ana!" I looked up and saw Ethan throw the key, which I caught as Ethan ran off.

I heard the door open, but didn't look as I started to run once more going through the double doors leading to the dining room. I could hear her heels echoing on the other side of the door and quickly ran to the door leading to the kitchen, running through it and into the hole in the wall we used to try and escape Bela. I walked back towards the maze of cage walls and quickly spotted the door with the three circles, and made my way over to it.

I unlocked the door and pulled out my ribbon, running it through the opening of the key and wrapped the ribbon around my wrist, making the key hang from my wrist. I walked through the door and placed the suitcase down, seeing a coffin in the middle of the room with two hanging golden bowls and a weak brick wall on the left side of the room. "Another fire puzzle, huh?" I placed the suitcase down and placed the pistol down on top of the suitcase, continuing to look around the room and found a pipe bomb on the right side of the room within a relief in the wall. I picked it up, examining it. "I think I remember how to make these, definitely have enough materials to make one." I told myself. "Though I should really question who left a pipe bomb here, but then again I should also ask whose been leaving ammo around but...I'm not going to question it." I then, activated the pipe bomb and threw it towards the weak wall, hearing it beep a couple times before exploding to reveal a tall column holding a golden bowl filled with fire.

I walked over to the closer hanging bowl, pushing it towards the tall column with the bowl of fire and watching the hanging bowl ignite with fire before it swung back. I moved out of the way and watched it swing around for a while before going back into the resting position. I then walked over to the other hanging bowl and pushed it towards the hanging bowl with fire in it, watching it ignite as well. I stood back and watched it swing around for a while as well before it went back to the resting position. I heard something scraping across something and looked towards the coffin to see the lid had been moved, opening the coffin.

I walked over to the coffin and saw a bunch of bones, multiple skulls and bones. Amongst the bones I saw an eyeball, making me pick it up and examine it. "Hm...seems like it could be made into that ring we had earlier. Guess we could sell it to Duke then." I then looked around the more in the coffin, but sighed in defeat and frustration. "Shit. The dagger isn't here...such a waste of time." I walked back over to the suitcase, moving the pistol to the ground, opening it and placing the eyeball in it before closing the suitcase. I picked it up and picked up the gun before leaving the room.

I went back into the kitchen, heading towards the dining room though I stopped at the door. I pressed my ear against the door, listening for Lady Dimitrescu's heels and sensing for her essence. Once I heard nothing I left the kitchen, going into the dining room and left the dining room. I entered the common room and quickly ran towards Duke's room, my heels echoing as they hit the tilted floor. I placed my hand on the handle, but stopped and looked at the sculptures. "Guess it wouldn't hurt to look at the holes on the sculptures. Help put the masks in the right places faster." I walked over to the sculptures examining them and made a quick system in my head. I then quickly walked into Duke's room and sat down in the chair.

"Welcome back, Miss Sarian." Duke greeted me. "Where is Mr. Winters?"

"Getting the last mask hopefully." I placed the suitcase down and put my pistol under my dress. I then unwrapped my ribbon from my wrist, holding it high and watching the key slide down the ribbon and drop onto the table. I then rewrapped the ribbon around my wrist and just looked at it, getting lost in memories.

"Does that ribbon mean something to you, Miss Sarian?" Duke asked, snapping me out of my trance.

"Yeah...it does." I answered, my voice full of sorrow as a familiar face came into mind.

"Oh? Why is your voice full of sorrow, Miss Sarian?" Duke asked. "Does it bring you sad memories?"

"No." I quickly answered. "Just...brings out an internal conflict within myself. Just...I just hope he doesn't find me."

"Why is that, Miss Sarian?"

"Too much conflict...too much heartbreak." I answered shortly as the door opened, revealing Ethan panting heavily with the last mask on his hand.

"I think...I need a short break." Ethan panted.

I looked at the moving maze next to me and opened the suitcase, rummaging around and pulled out a ball. I then held the ball towards Ethan. "Ball maze?" 

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