[Chapter 4.]

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I lay in my bed, My eyes wide open as i stare at the ceiling. "Lumos." I mutter under my breath, Light shines from the tip of my wand.
I point it towards my watch. ─3:02 AM─ I sigh quietly.
I suddenly hear a loud crash. "Nox!" I say and the light goes out, I pull the blanket up to my cheeks. 
I squeeze my eyes shut as i see a figure walking towards my bed. My heart starts beating faster as i feel someone sit on my bed. 
I open one eye, Looking at the person. Their looking away but i can tell it's Fred. I exhale quietly as i turn a little. 
He jumps a bit then goes still, Waiting. After a few minutes of both of us staying still he sighs and i think he sets something down on my desk beside my table. He stays there for at least an hour or more. 
Next thing i know it's 6 AM, My alarm blaring. I growl as i swat my alarm off my desk.
I slowly stand, Wrapping my blanket around myself as i walk to the bathroom to change.
I walk back out in my uniform, Trying to tie my tie. I look over at my desk and i see a small box.
That's what Fred left─ I think as i pick it up, Opening it. I smile a little as i pull out a small necklace. 
It has two glass hearts together. I carefully hook it around my neck. I look at my mirror, I frown as i see the bruises and small cuts.
I shake my head, Slipping out the door with my books.

After most of the classes it's time for Hagrid's class. I'm so exited, I get to see buckbeak again. 
I meet up with Fred and George. Fred has a big smile pasted to his face when he sees the necklace around my neck. 
I laugh softly as he wraps his arms around my waist, Hugging me tightly. 
George groans. 
"Jealous georgie?" I giggle as i walk over to him, Hugging him just as tight as Fred did.
"Me? Never." He huffs as he hugs back.
"Very jealous" Fred grins.
"No I'm not!" George tightens his grip on me just a bit.
"Then why're you holding me so tighttt" I say in a sing song type voice
"Yeah, She's mine anyways!" Fred replies, Smirking.
"Oh hell no." George smacks Fred in the back of the head just as Hagrid storms out into the yard, Happily.
I stifle a laugh as Hagrid starts talking, Grinning big.

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Hi hey hellooo.
Sorry for the short chapter.
I ran out of ideas and i didn't feel like writing for a bit.
But yeah I'll be adding another chapter this week.
If you have any ideas just leave a comment.
Also thanks for all the reads.
It may not seem like alot but thanks.
Bye! <3

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