
Start from the beginning

Nick had proposed an idea to Ziggy about getting back at Sheila. Originally she was going to dump the remaining of the paint on her but Nick had a different idea.

Before Ziggy left the cabin, she made sure to put her blanket over Jade.

"Don't have too much fun without me." Jade whispered with her eyes still closed, making Ziggy smile.

Ziggy desperately wanted to kiss Jade's forehead but instead she just put her hand on Jade's head, moving her hair out of her face so that she could see. "I won't." She whispered back.

Not too long after, Jade had woken up to an empty cabin. She ended up cleaning the rest of the walls, doing her best to get rid of all the terrible words that she would never even say. It was the least she could do. Jade knew that her sister had to have taken part in it and she also fell asleep when she should have been helping.

"What were you doing in the witches cabin?" Jade turned around, hearing a familiar voice.

"She's not a witch." Jade closed the door, outside of the cabin with her sister following her. "Would you please stop calling her that?"

Sheila grabbed Jade's wrist to stop her from walking away. "I thought I told you to stay away from her."

"And I listened to your advice...just didn't really like it." Jade looked her sister in the eye and back to her wrist. "Why can't you just leave her alone?"

"Why are you defending her?" Sheila let go of her sister's wrist.

Jade crossed her arms, looking at her sister. "Maybe because you've been putting her through hell the entire summer."

"Why do you care?" Sheila then crossed her arms, looking down at her sister. "Do you like her or something? You guys friends? I told you to stay away from those Shadysiders."

"In fact, we are friends and I do care about her." Jade looked aside on the ground. Knowing that she cared about her more than friends. "A lot."

Sheila opened her eyes wide, hoping that what she was thinking wasn't true. "Oh my god Jade...are you serious? Listen I'm here for you and all and I don't even care if you like girls...but Ziggy? She's a Shadysider. You can do so much better than that."

Jade looked at her sister and when she met her eyes she looked away. "Can you just cool off and stop messing with her." She slowly looked back up to her sister with sad eyes. "Please."

Sheila put her hand on top of Jade's head. Every time her sister gave her sad eyes, it was like a puppy just got kicked. Even Sheila wasn't evil enough to kick a puppy. She clenched her jaw in annoyance. "Fine if you really really like her...I'll keep my distance but if she tries anything, it wasn't my fault."

A smile crossed Jade's face while she went to give her sister a big hug. "You know you're my favorite sister right?"

Sheila let out a small laugh. "I'm your only sister." She also had a smile as she patted the back of Jade's head. "You know that I would do anything for you...and I mean it. Literally anything."

After they let go of eachother Sheila walked Jade to the nurses cabin.


Ziggy and Nick were in the science room together. It took time to gather all of the bugs and they had recently just pulled a prank on Sheila. If only Sheila wasn't Jade's sister then a part of her wouldn't feel bad.

Ziggy placed her hands on Nick's shoulders pushing him away because he tried to kiss her. "Nick...I like someone else."

"Then why are you even here Ziggy?" He asked, a little annoyed. He thought that they were having a moment but it was only him who thought that.

"I just wanted to get back at Sheila. Mission accomplished, I'll be on my way now." Ziggy turned around about to leave.

Nick grabbed her arm, stopping her. "Who is he?"

Ziggy pulled her arm out of his grasp, turning around. "You can't compete Nick, don't even try. You're really not all that special."

Nick took a step back, putting his hands down. "At least tell me his name." He wondered who could have possibly captured Ziggy's heart because she wasn't exactly liked in the camp.

Ziggy stared him in the eyes, confidently. "Her...her name is Jade."

He scoffed at her with a laugh, thinking that she was joking. "Jade? Really? You have romantic feelings for Jade? Sheila's younger sister?"

Ziggy crossed her arms, giving Nick an annoyed look. "Yeah, I do."

Nick took a step back, not understanding. "You know that will never happen. Like first of all you and Sheila don't even get along. And Jade, what makes you think that she would even like you like that. She's probably just trying to be nice because that's how she is. She's nice to everyone, it's her job."

Ziggy wasn't as confident now. Instead, she was full on pissed. "What happens between me and Jade is not any of your business."

He changed his expression, he didn't look as mad anymore. "Can we at least be friends?"

Ziggy didn't have a smile, she looked at him blankly. "I just want you to know that us two, me and you, it will never happen."

Nick looked a bit sad but he covered it up. "I guess I can see where you're coming from. Jade is insanely hot-"

"Shut it." Ziggy told him, making him raise his arms up as he smiled.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't think that you'd be into Jade...or girls. It's still kinda processing my mind." He admitted while Ziggy continued giving him annoyed looks. "So, can we be friends?"

Ziggy sighed. "Maybe. Don't try to kiss me....or her. Don't ever try to kiss her. Don't even look at her."

"But really, you'd choose her over me?" Nick asked her before she could leave.

Ziggy was now the one to scoff at him, done with this conversion, she opened the door to leave. "I just did"


Once Ziggy left, she went back to her cabin in hopes that Jade would be there. Instead she found herself to a clean empty cabin, a smile formed on her face. There was only one person that was nice enough to clean it up.

If Jade wasn't there then there was only one place she would be.

After her encounter with Nick she felt the need to confess some things to Jade. When Nick called Jade hot, Ziggy thought of how easily any guy could try and get with Jade. She didn't want that, she didn't want Jade to leave her. There were people that would go in the office and some could try to take her away from her.

More importantly she wanted to be the one to make the first move.

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