Preference: Your first date.

Start from the beginning

Liam: You and Liam have been best friends since Kindergarten (for Americans and European Countries, apart from UK which is Nursery) You often guest broadcast on Twitcam with him, that is if you ain’t at his house. All of his fans know that you’re his number 1 fan, they admire you, they also know that you both like each other more than you will say. On a day when you’re out with your family, Liam does a Twitcam that you don’t know about, he doesn’t want his other fans to be left out, so he explains to them he has feelings for and asks them if they can give him ideas on how to ask you on a date. They give him some really good ideas, but one girl suggests that it would be so much better and personal if he thinks of something that you would like. So all day and all night, he stays awake, not even thinking about school early in the morning. You arrive school the next day, you cannot find Liam so you think he is just running late, you text him, but he does not answer. You’re sitting in Science lesson, next to the empty seat were Liam always sits next to you. Your teacher looks at you and says “Hey (Y/N) Where is Liam?” “I don’t know he ignored my text this morning” you reply, the whole class justs looks at at you in shock, you feel embarrased, so you lay your head on your desk. The bell for break time rings and you go to the local cafe like normal, minus Liam of course, when you walk in you notice Liam sat in the corner looking extremey nervous. You walk over to him and sit down “Where have you been? The teachers were asking me questions and I didn’t know what to say” “I’m sorry, I was really busy with something, forgive me?” he says “Forgive you for what, If you were busy, It don’t matter” you say with a smile on your face, he smiles back. “Why have you never been in a relationship?” he asks you, you sit in total shock “Because I can’t find someone who’s worth my time, Just like my best friend” you reply. “Remember when you left one day and you turned around and said “You’re my best friend” and right there you made me cry” “Of course I remember that” you reply. “It’s because I’ve been hiding something from you” he said. At that moment you’re favourite song Bestfriend - Auburn came on, you adore this song because it is about how you always compare your exes with your bestfriend and even though he is your best friend, you still can’t find anyone who understand you in the same way. Liam then starts to fidget and before long he pulls a big picture frame from under the table, it is full with pictures of you and Liam and in big writing it reads “I cannot find someone who is worth my time like you too, that is because I have feelings for you, How about a date?” You looked at him with a twinkle in your eyes of course you said yes. Later that night he picks you up at your house in a Limo, you go to a resturant and have a candlelit dinner. While you talk about your feelings, you later get into a relationship. You are together for a long time and you even keep the picture frame that he made for you.

Zayn: You and Zayn have already been together for 3 years, one night you lay cuddling in bed and reminisce about your first date together. In high school you knew you had feelings for Zayn, he also had feelings for you. You know Zayn is shy around girls, so you were always scared to ask him on a date. Zayn was the captain of the football team, yet it still gave him no confidence with the ladies, every time he had a practise you would go to watch him. One day whilst he is at practise, he notices you’re not watching, he gets a little upset, but carries on with practise. Practise ends and when he is about to leave the field, you and your friends turn up wearing cheerleading outfits, one by one you take of your jackets and on your tops it reads “ZAYN WILL YOU GO ON A DATE WITH ME?” being shy, he just looked at you with glowing read cheeks and nodded yes. You walk over to him and say “What time do you want me too meet you?” “8 o’ clock is good” he replies. Later that night you go to his house, he is wearing a black tuxedo, with a nice blue T-shirt, you’re wearing a long black sleeve-less dress. You go to a field, were you have set up a picnic with some of his favourite food, you have a good conversation and it isn’t long before he is more confident around you. “So Zayn, I’ve liked you for sometime” you say, “I’ve liked you for sometime too, I was just to shy to ask you on a date, now we are having one, I’m more relaxed” he replies whilst blushing. You take a sip of the drink and Zayn says “Most girls in school expect me to be this super confident person, they never really get to know me as a person, I’m scared to be myself around them, incase they don’t like me, but with you it is different, you’re the first girl to treat me like I ain’t someone popular, you give me that opportunity to be myself, you make me feel secure and happy about myself, I like that” you smile and he leans forwards, pressing his soft lips against yours. You spent the night outside as you fell asleep, Zayn hugged you all night long to keep you warm. The next day, he proudly walked into school with you hand in hand letting everyone know he now has a girlfriend.

Harry: You and Harry had made no secrets of your feelings for each other, but you both still refused to do anything about it. One day Harry was watching you play basketball, it was your number one hobby, after Harry of course. Harry also knows that you like to go to the beach, so he had made a suprise just for you. One day after basketball practise ended, he waited for you by the school gates, you walk past and he grabs your hand “Hey” he says, being the first time he has talked to you, “Hey Harry” you reply. He is shocked that you even know his name, “Hey, we have been in the same class for 2 years now and I want to know if you want to hang out with me” he says “Of course, I will”. He just looks at you in confusion, there are many boys wanted to hang around with you and you’ve just agreed to go on one with him. “I’ll pick you up by the dragon palace” he says “I love that resturant” you reply. Later that night you meet him outside the dragon palace, you’re wearing a maxi dress, Harry turns up wearing a tuxedo, you look confused but go along, he takes you inside the dragon palace, you both sit down. “Is this a date?” you say “Have you only just noticed?” he replies whilst winking his right eye. You look at him with the biggest smile on your face, he sees how happy you are and smiles back. After lunch, he takes you outside and you are right on the beach, he asks “Would you like to go for a swim?” “Of course, I would” you reply. You take a 5 minute walk to the beach, whist you’re holding hands, he looks you in the eye and you show the “look of love”. He tightens the grip on your hand, making you feel safe. “I like you alot” you say “I like you even more” he replies. You walk into the water, hand-in-hand, he grabs you around the waist, you’ve been waiting for this moment, he puts his lips against yours and you kiss for a good 3 minutes. You wait for it turn dark and sit and watch the stars, you both love starry nights. You sit under the stars all night and tell each other stories, Harry had never felt like this about anyone else before and neither have you.

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