Break up

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Chapter one the introduction
Whats up my name is Lia and my best friend Anna told me that her boyfriend cheated on her with his friends sister.So if you don't know i'm i have anger issues .I got him back because Anna was crying so much and i like her.This is a story of how I helped her through it so let's start.So she called me it was like 2 am and i was up doing arts and craft so i picked it up and was like why are you crying an.But then i heard her voice was like she was sobbing so i asked then she told me.I said if she wanted me to come over and she said i drove and made it to her house she came out side with her makeup running and sat in the passenger's seat i gave her a makeup wipe then went back to my house my parents were out for the week and we blasted her favorite song and i gave her my hoodie because she was wearing that jerks, then we watched tik tok.We blocked him on all platforms and then.Chapter 2 payback
We went on snapchat and made my hand look like a boy hand and posted it to make him jealous like she was holding someone's hand then he called me.To try to talk to her like that was going to happen I blocked him too they we watched netflix then she passed out like a light and all i could think is she i really cute as she leaned on my shoulder while sleeping but then i pinched myself and was like that's your best friend don't ruin it i looked like a stalker staring then i went to sleep to. That morning we went to Starbucks for breakfast after that we went to school.
Chapter 3 car crash
When we were driving to school and she thanked me for making her feel better i said that's what friends are made for. She smiled then all i can think about was how i wanted to be her girlfriend but since i was staring at her i didn't notice that the light turned green and someone hit us the airbags went of and the winshed broke flinging me out of the car on the road anna tried to get out of the car to get to me but she was stuck the car that hit us, had left cus they thought the killed me and but didn't want to got to jail since they were drunk i was in a coma for a week and anna was smart when the car fled she got the license plate number to give to the police the first second i was flung out of the car she tried to break the window but she broke her arm instead.A firefighter got her out while the ambulance was putting me on a stretcher i said i will be back she was sobbing at this point and i had blacked out.
Chapter 4 at the hospital
I was finally starting to wake up and then anna saw she called the doctor then they made sure i was ok then sent me home.anna didn't want to leave me so she took me to my house and stayed with me she had a scar on her face but since i was flinged i had windflash and had to get stitches and stapes, and had slashes on my arms them i went home with anna and she took me right to my room and said i have to talk to you then she said im bi and i said me too then she kissed me i was so happy we decided to get revenge on that jerk so we unblocked him and her phone blew up with text from him
Chapter 5 revange
then she texted him to meet in the woods so then they walk there and make sure to bring te bat whispered anna my heart fluttered with butterflies thinking she is the one so they walk to the woods as anna yelled in the woods im over here that jerk that shall rename name less ran when he made it there he was like anna? Then i popped out and he said what? Wheres anna i don't care about you i hate you since im going to kill you but before you die just know i was jealous of you because if you only could see the way she looks at you then her started to walk closer and closer smirking like a jerk when he came really close with his hand raised to hit me i pulled out my pocket knife and mosoined as if i was cutting hit then he back up stoping as her hit a tree i was saying tell me why i shouldn't cut you or kill you he kept saying he had to go to jail for a car crash i was shocked and started to feel like i wanted to pass out because of stress then i asked while leaning on a tree whats your licenses plate number then he said the eacatce number from the car accident they were in and they i snapped nd said you have 10 minutes to confess every thing they i monctoin to anna to come out quietly and he stated to rambule saying her cheated because he didnt even like her he was using her for her looks and her body and smirnk while saying it then she swung the bat at his legs and his leg broke and then she broke his arms to then she asked me to make a hole and we placed/ kicked him in it then filled it with bugs and cooked and raw meat then went home just to let you know she didnt tell anyone this then she had a court meeting with anna bout the disappearance of that guy but anna was a job lier and so was i all it took was why would i kill him I loved him wait he cheated on me then a little heavy sobbing and we were cleared tbc.....

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