Judging Others

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Why do people nowadays focus on the outside rather than the inside?

Why do people like us push our judgment or opinion on one thing or person even tho we don't even know what is really happening or what does that person is going through?

You would think your opinion is valid or it is right as its name its only YOUR opinion it doesn't matter if that person will listen to it or follow it at the end of the day it will always, always be you own judgement.

You can't just expect someone to follow your saying or believe in it just because you saw it as valid, or that's what you believe in. Keep it to your self if you knew heck even if you don't if that opinion of yours is something that is not gonna help that event or person because it will only add more fuel to a pit of woods waiting to be aflamed.

Yes we judge, yes we produce our own interpretation of one thing, but pushing it on someone who doesn't have the same mindset as you? No.

You judge someone because their partner is the same sex.
So? What, will you get something out of it if you, I don't know say something mean to them?
No, nothing just because you believe on something doesn't mean all the people around you believe the same thing.

You judge someone on how they dress.
That doesn't even concern you anymore, if that's the way they want to dress then let them.
(no harm ment I know some parents just want to keep their children safe like my parents but this mainly focus on the community that surrounds teens or people who feels suppress by their own peers)
Just because they dress up in crop top and jeans doesn't mean you can just call them slurs.

You judge someone on how they handle things.
So what's wrong with it if that said person break down, you speak of it as if its that's nothing but a show. No it's not. Do you even know what its like to be them? Do you know the different problems and obstacle they had to face for everyday of their lives?
Just because you handle yourself perfectly fine doesn't mean everyone can.

In this generation, its not easy to be you anymore, because you'd be scared of what the people around you would think of you. You would be feel trap under their watchful gaze while shouldering the pressure that they unknowingly put on you.

As a teen who experience some of this, I will say yes it's hard, but it doesn't mean we're just gonna let them have their way on us.
No we will fight through their opinion about us, we would surge through their expectation one way or another and prove to them that WE CAN BE MORE that what they think.

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