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Carries pov....

I woke up to banging on my door "carrie, come on!" Oh yeah, I forgot, my mum was forcing me to go on this stupid tour with my brother Dylan. I jumped out of bed and put on some skinny jeans my deezy hoodie and a black beanie, I also slipped on my black vans while grabbing my guitar and 2 cases I went down to stairs to see Dylan stood there wearing sweats a deezy hoodie and vans giving our mum a hug. "I love you guys, please stay safe and don't do anything illegal!" Me and Dylan looked at each other.. " I mean it!" She snapped "okay okay!" We said our goodbyes and walked up the drive to see the tour bus "you ready?" asked Dylan "as I ever will" I replied we grabbed our cases and walked up the steps to see Jacob playing his guitar and grant lying upside down singing. I started giggling at the sight "yo grant, why you upside down?!" asked dylan why walking up the bus "I don't know?" He got off the sofa and gave him a bro hug "okay then, guys this is my sister carrie carrie, this is Jacob and grant" said Dylan I smiled "hey" we all said to each other. "Dylan where should I put my guitar and my suitcase?" "Just put your suitcase in the back and leave your guitar in here" he replied why getting out his laptop and guitar I nodded and walked to the back putting down my suitcases
I grabbed my laptop out and sat on the sofa at the back of the bus on twitter. With my twitter it wasn't all likes and happy messages but, there wasn't all horrible messages.. when I got them though they did make me cry!.. I opened up a new tweet typing 'just got on the bus should I do a younow?' once I tweeted that I got some comments saying that they were in school and some saying they wasn't and that I should. I opened up younow and tweeted the link to it "hey guys how are you??" There was replies saying good! "Aww that's good!" Should I do some songs or get the boys to come in here ??" 'Boys and then cover with them!' I nodded "guys! Come here!" Dylan started to walk in the room "what??" I was just about to reply when Jacob and grant came running in and jumped on me "it's Jacob whitesides!" He shouted I shook my head why laughing "thotsides" grant whispered Dylan was sat next to him laughing I shook my head even more "guys please help me..."...

Sorry it's not the best and I want to apologise for any spelling mistakes. It will get better!:)<3

Let me know what you think and if I should carry on with it??:)

Jacob whitesides angel (Dylan Hollands sister)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt