Chapter 1

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Temdora throws a empty coke can at my head. It misses me narrowly. I bet she's congratulating herself for getting even remotely close to me.

"Get out of here, loser" She sneers

I sigh and brush my black hair out of my eyes. She wants me to cry. What she doesn't get into her thick brain though, is that I don't cry.

"Get a haircut too!" Her spiteful and immensely stupid friends start laughing and jeering like the donkeys they are.

I walk down the streets of LA, wearing black jeans, checked shirts and converse. It's very strange over here, due to the weather conditions. I see the girls, in high-waisted skirts and shorts.

I'm so different from the normal child who grew up in the valley. I hate skirts. My accent isn't high, shrilly and annoying (at least I hope not).

Unlike some people (cough, Temdora, cough) I don't pride myself in knowing the latest fashions or any of that kinda crap.

I'm home earlier than usual. My mother is waiting for me in the lounge, drunk with excitement. When she sees me, she stands up.


"Hi mom" I say, stuffing my hands in my pockets.

"Oh, darling, smile! There's great news for you" She laughs, happier than usual.

Since I don't know what to smile about, I don't. She looks at my face, expectantly. When she sees I won't smile, she frowns and points to a foreign piece of paper on the coffee table.

"That school we applied you too. The letter came back today"

"The boarding school?"

"Yes, that one. You got in. Naturally" She pats my shoulder.

"Nice" I say. My lips curl into a smile when I leave the room, and head for the kitchen.

I say hi to my older sister, a regular Valley girl and she looks me up and down. A spot is breaking on her forehead.

"So, freak, hows life?"

I try to be nice to her and she repays me by calling me a freak. I feel that I am one, but she doesn't need to point it out. I can do that myself, thanks.

"You have spots growing on your face." I said, looking in the pantry.

I didn't see her facial expression, but I guessed that she'd opened her mouth wide, a literal 'O' shape. She always does this.


Who does she think she is? Raven Simone? She has a sneer on her face. Like that's supposed to intimidating. I look scarier in my sleep.

"Bye Noelle"

I find a chilled juicebox in the fridge. It's cold, but hey. It's either a cold one or nothing. I take it to my room, listening to Noelle raging on about how she wants a cooler younger sister.


3 days later 

I get packing, because I have to leave soon. School here has been hell. But I hope that Athena High will be better.

"Hey freak, I hope you meet other smart asses like yourself and have a geek-fest" Noelle hisses.

Did I mention how much I love my older sister? She has been harassing me like no mans business and I've had enough. If I'm gonna leave this place, I'm leaving with a bang.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2013 ⏰

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