☂Oneshot: Endless Rain☂

Start from the beginning

His warm words instantly made all the pain and all the feelings ease, that with so much effort I had succeeded in locking up inside of me and finally begun to surface. My eyes watered, and I felt countless teardrops roll down my cheeks.

Seeing me like that, Yahiko, on the spur of the moment, brought himself closer to me and gently braced his arms around my waist, holding me in a comforting yet loving manner. My head comfortably rested on his chest while I was crying non-stop. To me his tight embrace was something which could never be bought with any material good. It was something which reminded me of the affection that my family gifted me, and it was something which I needed the most. If possible, I wished that this moment never lasted.

"I want you to know that you can count on me when you have a problem! There is no need to act the part of the strong and independent around me, because doing so will just cause more trouble stupid!" 

"Cocky Idiot," I yelled, giving him a peaceful yet relieved smile which contrasted to my foul mouth.

After our separation, countless moments of endless pain and despair had been striking me day after day until I thought I could no longer endure it. Even selling my soul to devil would be a more preferable choice than being on his hands.

There were innumerable times that I thought of ending my painful journey of living; in fact it seemed to me like a rather legit solution. Having the memories of my true home and the heartwarming memories that you bestowed me with. Having those very memories in mind kept me alive and supplied me the strength necessary to withstand all those tortures and move ahead. Thank you, Yahiko, for showing me life's good side.

But based on what life itself has taught me, it's not a simple plaything to toy with. It's insidious and cunning and that I can definitely assure you of as it's something that I have learned first hand. It also has that "cruel" fate planting its despicable thorns that twist everything that's on their path as her faithful servants, controlling it to her heart’s content. In a way, it's like the ocean's pristine waters, having their striking beauty contrast to their hazardous danger.

I was sitting at the cliff where I first found her unconscious. All my thoughts included her—the times we had spent together all rushing through my brain. I didn't want to accept that we had lost her, but it was pointless either way. I had to let go of the past, to let go of her.

"Are you sure, Yahiko? Because there is no turning back."

"Yes. This has always been my wish. By creating this organization I will finally be able to achieve my goal."

"I will bring an end to this endless rain and create a world where peace shall only exist."

"For all of us and for her. She deserved it more than everyone else."

"Are you guys ready? It's time to leave," Nagato said just as calmly as always.

I was inside that very cell, consumed in darkness which I was so accustomed to living in. Day in and day out passed without anything ever changing. I would just lie down there doing nothing but meaninglessly staring at empty space thinking and trying to make all the boredom fade away.

"The nerve of that damn snake!" I mumbled, clenching my hands and biting my lips in anger.

"As lively as ever I see."

"Get lost, Four Eyes. You're disturbing my nap."

"Easy there, tiger."

Kabuto fixed his glasses in a troubled manner and then put on a confident smile. "If you keep this pace up, you'll end up like just like your poor clan. Mere dead meat."

Naruto Magazine: Issue #10Where stories live. Discover now