Recruiting the Hauflin

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It was dusk. She was walking along a small path. She was confused as to why he had chosen a Hauflin. They were so small. She herself, was not exactly the tallest of people, sitting at only five foot two. Hauflin’s however were much smaller than she was. By a foot at the least, and that would be abnormally tall for them.

She was sure Fletcher had gone crazy. These people were not fighters. Never had she heard of a Hauflin war. Then again, her people didn’t exactly get into wars. Though there was only four of them. The four being her mother, her two sisters and herself. All the others were dead after having been executed, and there had only been about fifty of them.

She sighed. She wasn’t a fighter. She had been tricked into doing this by Fletcher. She could hardly get over the fact that she had actually been tricked and it was such a petty prank at that.

She reached the gate and lightly pushed it open, before walking up a few steps and lightly tapping on the door. She heard a crash and angry muttering before the door was hauled open. She looked down slightly and gave a curtsey.

“Yana, at your service.” She said as politely as she could.

The poor man was clearly in the same position she was in. Being forced into something he really didn’t want to par-take in. She lightly stepped into the house and pulled down her navy coloured hood, causing her cloak to seemingly vanish.

“You are no Dwarf.” The man said quietly from behind her.

She let out a light laugh before turning around. “Of course not.” She smiled. “I am one of the four remaining Casters, Sir.”

She heard a thump behind her and an argument break out. She let out an impatient sigh and turned to see two Dwarves trying to move a table out into a larger hallway. She smiled slightly and snapped her fingers, the table vanishing and reappearing where the Dwarves wanted it to be.

She then turned back to the Hauflin. “I must say Mister, you have a very lovely house. Tis ashame you have so many unwanted guests. I remember when this happened to me a few weeks back. Almost gave me heart failure, they did.”

“They did this to you?”

“Oh yes. They are need all the help they can get and that bloody Wizard will pull any prank he can to get who he wants to assist them. I have never though so little of myself before.” She smiled slightly before asking “So what is your name, Sir?”

“Oh, I’m Perry, ma’am.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Mr Perry.”

“Oi! Yana! Did you see the others coming behind you?” One of the five Dwarves yelled over to her.

“I wasn’t paying any attention to what was behind me, Mr Geri. I have a habit of not looking behind. That is the past. I like to look in front of myself, into the future.”

She received dead pan looks off of the five Dwarves and she smiled a little.

“I’m assuming we are still awaiting on Felix, Dale, Finn, Fletcher and Vogue?” She asked, glad to finally have an opportunity to speak to the very loud group, who had been pillaging the Hauflin’s pantry.

“Aye. PJ and TJ were the first to arrive. Then it was myself. Then it was ole Tobi and Teri.” Geri replied gruffly.

Yana nodded in response before turning around to face Perry again. “Geri, Teri and Tobi and brothers. PJ and TJ are twins. Dale and Felix are half brothers and the cousins of PJ and TJ. Finn is the leader of the group and the Uncle of PJ and TJ. Geri, Teri and Tobi are second cousins of Finn and cousins third removed to Dale and Felix.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 14, 2013 ⏰

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