Manga colored

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Aquí esta Nene Yashiro del manga coloreada...

Aquí esta Nene Yashiro del manga coloreada

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No está nada mal

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No está nada mal. Hay algunas sombras mal ubicadas y hechas por el motivo de que no sé ubicar sombras y se me complica hacerlas bien porque uso touchpad. Además, me di cuenta que una parte no era ropa sino una sombra y otra parece parte del cabello. Jaja. (Creo que es del manga, no sé. Me la encontré por Google)


Here's Nene Yashiro from the manga colored ...

It's not bad at all. There are some badly placed shadows and made for the reason that I do not know how to locate shadows and it is difficult for me to do them well because I use a touchpad. Also, I realized that one part was not clothes but a shadow and another looks like part of the hair. Ha ha. (I think it's from the manga, I don't know. I found it through Google)

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