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"No! No! No!" Ed said something was holding back and leaving a scratch on the wall
Debbie and Y/N looked at each other and went to follow them

"Grab his arms, don't let go." Ed spoke as everyone was holding him down
David started screaming as he was trying to pull us away from his grip

"Save your servant who trusts in you, my God."
"Let him find in you, Lord, a fortified tower in the face of the enemy."
"Put on the full armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Against the powers of the darkness of this world."

"Against wickedness." Lorraine gasps and groans then closing her eyes

"Lorraine, what's wrong?" Ed says to her

"I'm fine." She replies then holding David down

"Lord! Send him aid from your Holy place and watch over him from Sion." The priest says and then throwing some holy water

His face started sizzling and he screams and keeps on trying to get out

"Lord, heed my prayer."
"Lord!" The priest spoke

Everyone hears a distorted scream
all of a sudden the screaming stops

Y/N hears a rumbling sound, she look confused
And then all the plates started to fling at us
Everyone hears a laughter coming from David and one of the plates hits father Gordon

"No. Father!" Ed says

Debbie shrieks she looks so terrified on what's happening now

"Father!" Lorraine said

"Where's your first aid kit?" Ed asked

"it's in the kitchen!" Debbie shouts

"I'm on it!" Drew spoke and then going to the kitchen

"Ed, hurry up!"
"Hurry, Ed!"
"Ed. Ed, Hurry!" Lorraine shouts as Ed opens and starts to speak in Latin
Y/N says a fast prayer quietly while closing her eyes

"It's not working!" Y/N shouts at them
Ed continues reciting in Latin

"What? David, wait!"
"Stop it! What? What?" Debbie yells and David screams

"David! David! Help me, please!"
"What are you doing? David!"
David's body was going back forming into a weird position his bones were cracking
"Help him, please!"
It kept going
"David, stop it! David! David!" Debbie said while shouting at it, the demon looks at her and Debbie screams as the demon laughs at her

"Leave him alone!" Arne shouts

"No! Don't talk to it Arne" Y/n spoke
"Arne, don't talk to it." Ed said also

"I said, leave him alone. He's just a little boy, you coward!" Arne shouts at it again

"Stop it Arne!" Y/n shouts and she touches arne's hand and she started to get vision not a good one
It was Arne inviting the demon into him then him being on jail because of some reason
Oh god I don't want him to do that... He's a nice guy
She looked confused then looking at him
"Y/N whats wrong your- your nose..." He said as She touched her nose and her fingers were covered in blood
As David body pulls away his body begins to stand up
Debbie screams
It runs to Ed knocking both of them in the ground as he put his fist where Ed's heart was
"I'll stop your heart, old man." The demon says while laughing
Ed was gasping trying to get some air

"Ed!" Lorraine shouts
A/N; what do y'all think about, I hope y'all like it :))) I'm thinking about writing a Debbie story because we Stan her 🤩 and I haven't seen any story about her here so should I? Or what tell me!! also pls follow me and click on the star I would really apreciate it <3

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