The Day After

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I couldn't believe what happened last night.
Michael was Casey's brother!
I didn't know how Casey would feel if I told her I have a crush on him, so I kept it secret.
It was hard not telling her because, for starters, every time he walked in the room I couldn't help but smile.
But I managed to keep it hidden and nobody found out. I hung out with Ashton, Luke, Calum, and Michael still, as long as Casey and Alana were there.
I was beginning to like him more every time I saw him, or every time he talked to me I got butterflies in my stomach. I'm thinking about telling Casey that I like Michael. I have to tell someone soon because I'm absolutely in love and I'm starting to get an irrepressible urge to tell ANYBODY.
I've never felt this way before and I'm really hoping Michael feels the same way. This probably sounds pretty corny, and I admit, it kind of is.
I thought I did a pretty good jib keeping my crush a secret, until I found out just recently that I wasn't.

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