chapter one!

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𝖘𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖊, 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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year one

THE TRAIN JOURNEY on the Hogwarts Express was fairly unremarkable. Jessica was lucky enough to find a quiet carriage on her own near the start of the train. There seemed to be an unspoken hierarchy of where different years were allowed to sit and mix on the return to the wizarding school. Jessica was rather quick to fall in line and didn't mind the empty compartment as she had more space to stretch out.

Her peace happened to be interrupted half way through the journey by two other girls wandering into her compartment giggling. They sat down opposite Jessica before they even spared her a glance. By the looks of them, Jessica assumed they were fellow first years, perhaps second years but had yet to have a growth spurt.

A pretty Asian girl sat opposite Jessica while her friend perched next to her. She had pin-straight black hair and a block fringe that hid her eyebrows. It seemed so shiny that Jessica found a new hatred for her own lifeless black hair that hung limp across her shoulders. Long lashes framed her dark eyes as she batted them prettily towards her friend.

The other girl seemed to hold an immediate dislike towards Jessica. A stuck up nose and scowl crossed her face as her wildly curly reddish hair was pushed back into a ponytail to form some kind of control. Wisps of curls fell back against her small ears and showed just how untameable it appeared to be.

Jessica rose an eyebrow and the snooty persona of the girl in front of her.

The pretty Asian girl smiled awkwardly. "Hello, I'm Cho, this is my friend Marietta." She seemed to nudge her friend rather hard in the ribs when she made no attempt to be polite. "Are you a first year too?"

Jessica nodded slowly, "I'm Jessica."

Cho smiled brightly that Jess was willing to interact. "What house are you hoping to go in? We want to be sorted into Ravenclaw!"

Jess frowned. "Why?" She never understood Ravenclaw. If you're already at school, why did you have to try extra hard to show you were good at it? Seemed like a waste of time to the eleven year old.

Cho shrugged. "It seems fascinating to me. I've always loved reading and quizzes so I think I'm a perfect fit really. So what about you?"

"I don't know. My mum was a Slytherin though." Jessica commented. She was slightly bored and kept her eyes on Marietta. Marietta scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Is there a problem?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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