How it started

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Akiras POV:

Being a demon slayer was my dream and always will be. I always wanted to be one! They looked so cool, especially when they were in the middle of a battle. The way the demon slayers would slice the demons neck was beyond beautiful art. Everyday, exactly before sunrise I would sneak out with my cousin Yuuki.

Yuuki was always supportive of my goals, dreams, and decisions even if I annoyed her most of the time. Yuuki would make obstacles and targets for the both of us so we could practice. Sometimes kids would make fun of us for doing what we were doing especially at a young age but we ignored them. No matter how badly we wanted to strangle them, we refused to let them get to us.

It was just a beautiful afternoon. Yuuki was waiting outside as I went inside to get something Yuuki left."Akira..." My grandma came out of the shadows with a disappointed tone nearly scaring me.

"Grandma! You almost scared me." I confronted as I tried to gain back my breathe."I want you and Yuuki to give up on joining the demon slayer corps." She demanded in a soft tone.

"B-b-but why?" My voice cracked and my eyes filled up with salty tears as I questioned my grandma.

"You're still a kid and you aren't in shape. I can't forget to mention that you're scared of everything and youre really clumsy. You trip on thin air!" My grandma softly shouted with disappointment. "And Yuuki...she's just gonna get end up doing something that'll end up in her getting kicked out." she slowly continue.

"And here I thought you would be supportive. 'I will always support you no matter what.' I wonder what happened to that." Tears ran down my face like a waterfall as I ran outside to Yuuki.

"What happened?" Yuuki immediately jumping on her feet with a worried expression.

"She doesn't want us to join." I softly sobbed. There was a sad silence before I could say anything Yuuki eyes lit up as if she had an idea.

"I have an idea!" She shouted with a bright and rebellious tone. I put my hands on her mouth and shushing her as I put a finger to my lips telling her to quit it down so no one will hear.

So she had an idea. "We are going to prove grandma wrong! We will put our all into this, we are going to kill every demon out there, we are going to make our way to the top, we wouldn't have our names thrown in the mud!" Yuuki spoke with such amazing confidence.

"Are you sure? I mean don't get me wrong but how are we going to do this? There's my brother and your brother's so we have 4 people that we need to watch out for." I hesitantly question her.

"I'm more then sure! Let's run away together and let's start a new life! We can train everyday and night without having to sneak out. We don't have to live our life in fear anymore." Yuuki happily and proudly imagined the life we would live in if we ran away. And with one word it will come true if I just say "yes".

"Okay let's run away and start our own life and have our place to stay." I looked at Yuuki and her face while wiping my eyes that where filled with tears seeing her face with hope for a better future with me.

"Well my mom waiting for me. Late at night pack up everything you can don't be late I will meet you at the waterfall that we go to." Before I could say anything say to her she ran to her mom then she was gone out of my sight. Now I need to think of a lie.

I sighed while putting my plan of both sneaking out and making my grandma think I won't join the demon slayer corps so she won't suspect it. "Grandma?" I said sliding the door open to see my grandma drinking tea with my brother. I put my hands into a fist knowing I will miss him.

"I have been doing some thinking and you were right so me and Yuuki wouldn't become demon slayer's." I said looking down pretending to be sad
Knowing she will fall for it. "We will stay and do our work here." I said looking up to meet my grandma's eyes

"I knew you agree with me I told you because I know what's best for my grand babies. I think dinner is done I will serve you be right back." She said cheerfully walking out of the room and closing the door behind her. I sat down next to my younger brother who's looking at me with worried in his eyes

"Is everything alright Kisho?" I said making him look down at his lap "I thought being a demon slayer was your dream Akira?" I sighed "once you get older you will know why I did this." I told Kisho he just started to pout and saying to not treat him like a child.

After dinner I sneak into my parents office and found a letter in the trash the another one on there desk. I open the letter and read it in my head quickly

Dear Aimi,
I will love to train your child but why are you so against it your child wants to be one then let them I know you're over protective but I can assure you that you're daughter will be safe in my hands just come by just to reconsider for your kid.

"Wow I found someone who will train me and Yuuki" I whispered quietly just in case someone was passing by. Now just need to find we're this is located and pack it should be easy as that.

I found were it was located and wrote it down on a different peace of paper so they won't find me there. I walked out quietly and went it to Kisho room to say good night. I walk in and he was fast asleep, I walked up to him and sat down and moved some of his brown hair away form his face and I smiled sadly at him. I was going to leave him all by himself which pains me a lot, I got up and walked away saying goodbye quietly then walked out closing the door and going to my room to start packing my stuff.

After a few minutes I put everything I need into a bag and hid it somewhere then I laid down to make it look like I was sleeping just like my brother. Half an hour pass by and I started to put my backpack on and walked out of the house making sure I don't wake anyone up.

I then ran to the spot me and Yuuki are supposed to meet up but she wasn't there. "Maybe she's late but no matter." I put my backpack down and sat on a big rock and watch as the waterfall thinking how beautiful it is then Yuuki showed up. "Okay now a plan to fine someone who will train us." Yuuki said out of breath.

"I got a place for that." I said "okay let me see." She said as I handed her the place "okay I know where that is at."  Yuuki got up and started leading the way.

(Hey guys I hope you like this chapter because I don't know how this is going to go but yeah bye ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ words:1283)

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