Sheer Cold, Winter Jacket

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            Its Tuesday morning, rain pouring, cars zooming, people bustling, another miserable
day in Tokyo. This atmosphere couldn't be any colder, but somehow, with Yuji Itadori, it feels like its the coldest day of winter everyday.

          It's Yuji Itadori first day of college, but all he could feel is emptiness, as another meaningless day rolls over this world. "Nanamin, I'm heading off to school now, have fun at work!" Yuji blows him a cheeky kiss as Nanami smiles and nods at him.  Nanami Kento took the demanding responsibility of taking care of Yuji after his grandfather died, he couldn't bare to see this child begin to lose his cheerful spirit. Maybe a part of it was because he too knows what its like to lose someone, and he didn't want Yuji to be all alone like he was. All this misery and emptiness are all Yuji's problems, but it doesn't mean he wants to relay this stress unto others. He always tried his best to please everyone, make everyone feel the happiness that he can never have, even if it means he gets nothing in return. Everything he has ever done to this day was just for the sake of others. He wants to help out, of course he does, but for once maybe he could do something for himself.

Walking up to the campus, a brunette haired woman ran up to Yuji, as if she was waiting for ages for him to show up. "Itadori! How have you been? Have you been eating well? Been getting enough sleep? Any new hobbies? Got a boyfriend yet?" Yuji winced at the interviewer who was waiting for all those questions to be answered. "Kugisaki, all of the answers to your questions are yes...except the last one." Nobara Kugisaki's smile suddenly faded as soon as his sentence finished. "You know Itadori-kun, being lonely all your life is nothing to be proud of. Just look at me and Maki!" Nobara makes a smug look on her face as she goes on about how her perfect relationship is all that. Yuji let's out a small chuckle while he listens to her never ending rambling. it's nice to see that at least one of us is happy, Yuji thought. Nobara pauses for a while to catch her breath. "Hey, if you want, I can set you up with someone! I mean you're obviously not as socially inclined as me so why not get some help?" Yuji was kind of desperate for a lover, but not that desperate. And as great as Nobara is, Yuji questions her judgement on men, all she knows how to do is find pretty women—like Maki-san. "Thanks for the offer, but I think I can find a decent guy soon enough." Nobara rolls her eyes, not convinced at that statement. "Oh wait! I remember Maki-senpai has a cousin our age who kinda hot- obviously not as hot as maki-senpai but what do you say?" Nobara jumps up and down waiting for Yuji to say yes to the proposal. "I said I don't need the help, thanks though." Honestly speaking, Yuji was considering the offer, a blind date shouldn't be so bad, but he hated the idea of accepting help from the friend who has been there for him forever, when he never helped or comforted her. For once he needed to do this without Nobara's help. "I guess I'll leave you to it, Itadori-kun. I'm headed this way, bye!" Yuji waved goodbye watching her figure slowly grow smaller as she walks further ahead. "God damn, I'm gonna die a virgin-" Yuji sighs, as he heads over to his first class.

The last bell rings, all the students rush out quickly, trying to get to their part time jobs on time, but for Yuji, another afternoon means another visit to the hospital. As he walked the city streets, he noticed a boy, black hair, about as tall as Yuji, heading the same direction as him. Yuji kept walking, swinging his arms as he took each step, then suddenly the boy turned back to glare at him. Pretending not to be startled by the sudden action, he continued walking as if nothing happened. Every turn the boy made, Yuji made. Every time he crossed the street, Yuji did as well. "Seems like we are going the same way, coincidence?" He thought. For the second time, the boy turned back facing Yuji, only this time, he spoke. "What do you want? Stop following me." Yuji didn't take a good look at him the first time, but he looks like he came straight out of a manga panel. It's impossible to meet such a hot guy in the middle of the day like this, or so he thought. "I'm not following you! I just happened to be heading in this direction!" Yuji defended himself, more aggressively than he had hoped. "Really? Are you going to the hospital too?" The black haired boy scoffed as he looked at Yuji, who was trying to form his sentences before he spoke. "Uhm, yeah I am actually." It was such a simple sentence, but he wanted to avoid any questions regarding his illness, pity from a random stranger is too awkward for Yuji to handle. "Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding then." The boy said. He progressed to the entrance of the hospital when Yuji ran up to him and said "hey, I didn't get your name, I'm Yuji Itadori." Still panting as he made his introduction. His legs are so long, Yuji blinked once and he's already at the door. "Megumi Fushiguro. I'll see you around, Itadori Yuji" Yuji smiled as they exchanged contact information and headed inside to get his daily check up. Megumi headed in as well, going the opposite direction of which Yuji went.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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