Preference: You have an argument with another male celeb.

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Liam: You and Joe Jonas were best friends since you were 7 years old, you’d always been close that was until you started Liam Payne from One Direction. Joe has been ignoring for 5 months now and you wanted to know why, so one night you went over to his house. You knoced on the door and heard someone unlocking the door inside, Joee opened the door and as soon as he saw you he went to slam the door shut, you put your foot in the door to stop it from fully closing and you went in the house. “What is your problem?” you shouted at him and he sat there ignoring you. “STOP IGNORING ME, YOU ASSHOLE” you finally break, yelling as loud as you could. “YOU, YOUR MY PROBLEM BITCH!” he yells back at you. “And? What the fuck have I done to you, you’re the one who has been ignoring me all the fucking time” you say trying to calm down. “You’re dating Liam Payne, he’s an arse” he yells at you. “WHAT?” “You heard me, look what he did to Danielle, he left her, he loved her, left her, broke her heart, you’re a fucking idiot to be with him” he screams at you. “Get your facts right, Danielle left him, she wasn’t heart broken, he was, she was cheating on him.” you reply, rolling your eyes at how stupid he was being. “That’s not what the papaers or the tv is saying” he replies, pointing at the TV. “He told the media, that he left her, why? because he didn’t want people to hate on her, he took all the hate instead, because no matter what she done, he still cares for her, not in that way, but they were together along time and he didn’t want her being hating on” you reply and you walk out of the house. “You expect me to believe that?” he says, grabbing your arm. “No, I don’t expect you to believe me, because no matter what you believe, you don’t know the full story, but you decided to judge Liam on what the media says, you know you’re a celebrity yourself, so you know that the media changes everything just to get a bit of drama, gossip and money, you’re low if you listen to it about other people, if it was you, you’d be doing everythng to convince people that the media are lying assholes, but Liam ain’t like that, he is a caring person, you know what just stay the fuck away from me” you reply, pulling your arm out of Joes grip and driving away in your car.

(P.S I love Danielle so much, but I couldn’t think of any other reason to why Joe would hate on his best friend) Sorry, if it offends anyone.

Zayn: Taylor Lautner and Zayn had met a few times in the past and tonight you were meeting him for the first time. You were pretty nervous, because you’re a big fan of his. You’re at the movie awards as Taylor asked Zayn to go with him for support and of course he agreed and Zayn told him that he would bring you along, he didn’t argue he wanted to meet the girl that Zayn had fallen in love with. You put on your best dress and did up your hair, applied make-up then put on your favourtie pair of heels that zayn bought you for your birthday. You got onto the red carpet hand in hand with Zayn and you both had some pictures done and signed some autographs for fans, then Taylor came onto the red carpet the red carpet and everyone forgot you and Zayn even existed and ran towards Taylor asking for pictures and autogrpahs “No, I don’t want to sign anything or have some pictures done, leave me alone” he shouted at them, you could see his fans were getting upset so you went down and gave them all a hug. “You douchebag they’re your fans, how dare you talk to them like that?” you snapped at him. “I will speak to them how I please, who are you anyway, go away” he replied to you, whilst giving you a deadly glare. “Excuse me, I don’t know what has got you in this mood, but you can fuck right off if you think it allows you to treat your fans like they’re nothing, you wouldn’t be anywhere without them, you owe them big time mister lautner and who am I? I was a fan but no longer, I’m highly disappointed in you, I suggest you take your ego and bring it back to earth.” you say walking of towards Zayn. “You need to control that girl of yours, who does she think she is talking to me like that” Taylor shouts at Zayn. “EXCUSE ME?” you shout at him. “Sorry, had a bad day that is all, youre right though, I shouldn’t take it on you or my fans” he says. “I know you shouldn’t but you can make it up to them” you say smiling at him. He then does do some autograhs and pictures. “Well that went well, didn’t it? I love you babe” Zayn says kissing you on the forehead. You giggle slighty “I love you too Zayn” you reply, kissing him back.

Harry: You and Harry had flown over to L.A as One Direction are scheduled to peorm thier newest song “Kiss You” live. After there performance on the show, you all went to a club for a party. When you arrived you noticed that T.Mills was there, this wasn’t going to be good, he is your ex and the majority of his songs are written about you. You wanted to leave but you’d only just arrived and you didn’t want people to think that you were a boring person, so you hung on. You’d been there for exactly 30 minutes and Travis had notcied you, being the confident out-going person he was, he didn’t hesitate to go over to you. “Well, hey there babe” he said, winking at you, you stood there giving him an icecold stare “What do you want?” you ask him. “You know exactly what I want and you know that I’m going to get it” he replies, pushing you against the wall, you try to push him off of you, but he is too strong for you. “You ain’t getting anything from me, you dick” you reply. “Oh don’t be like that, we used to have such a great time, just you and me” he says pressing his lips to yours, you manage to release one of your hands from his grip and you slap him across the face. “Stay the fuck away from me” you shout at him. Harry comes over and asks you what the problem is “Him, eh Can we just go Hazza?” you say to harry, kissing his cheek. “Anything for you babe” he says gripping your waist. “You’re getting it good tonight harry” Travis shouts over “what the fuck did you just say?” he says shouting back at him. “You know? Her in the bedroom, damn she is wild” he says winking at harry then looking at you with a smirk on his face. “Shut the fuck up” you yell as harry just look at you and travis completly confused. “He’s my ex..” you say, harry grabs you, pulls you in for a kiss “Ex but you’re mine now, let’s get out of here, we can make our own fun” he says winking at you, you simply laugh at him.

1D Preferences.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora