Love Bites {Harry Styles}

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My Name is Jalane. Many People call me pretty and so beautiful but it's just so hard to believe. You might think that i'm a happy girl, behind my wide smile was a very terrible story. It's a mystery i have never told any one. You might wonder, A 'pretty' girl like me must've had tons of boyfriends. Gotta laugh at that. I've never had a boyfriend. Let alone a first kiss. My past is devistating and sad. Memories i would love to never remember. Are you ready to know my story?

Back in 2003, November 3rd. It was a light night friday, where i had been sitting in my room, enjoying my age of being Nine. I was trying to solve my homework for the first time alone as my mother and my dad were having a fight. Again. My dad was good to my eyes, when i was nine. But as i grew up, I knew who he really was. Nothing but a pathetic jerk. A heartbreaker. A man I fear my whole life.  That night, I had solved two math equations and i headed down the stairs to show my mum and ask her if i was right in doing them. For a nine year old, I was pretty happy i did my homework without my mum's help while all my friends were stuck with their parents. When i had entered the kitchen, I witnessed what shouldnt be seen by nine year old.

Things nobody's eye should be ever able to see. My mum's eyes flickered over to me, pushing my dad away from her way, as she stepped towards me- Suddenly, My dad pulled her by the hair and pushed her back on the fridge, Her sickening loud scream made me startled. I had dropped my book and pencil to the ground in fear, My dad took out a butter knife and stabbed it into her waist, pulling it out and onto her shoulder then again straight into her heart.

Her screams were something i would never forget, I was too fragile. I was Nine. I wasnt able to do anything. My dad has escaped after he had stabbed her, A neighboor next door heard screams and called the cops. Dad was arrested, Then in 2009 died due to lack of eating in jail.

I now work in a bakery, trying to raise money. If you had been wondering about where am i living, I'm living with my Aunt. Aunt Perrie. I love her to death. She provided me everything i needed, And i had promissed her to finish collage and be successful in return.

                                      There's this one thing I promised my self, I promised not to fall inlove.

                                                                         (( Chapter One ))

                                                                -Comming Out Tomorrow-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2013 ⏰

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