Death by Orgasm

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Brantley’s POV:
     I don’t remember the last time I spent an entire day having sex. But that's exactly what Bailey and I had just done. That is until I’d run out of condoms. But even then, that hadn’t stopped her from getting me off. No, she had just wrapped her velvet soft lips around my dick and brought me to my knees, literally. I've had quite a few blow jobs over the years but this one was the best I think I had ever gotten. 
     Rolling to my side so that I was facing her, I gazed at her. Her eyelids were heavy with the need to sleep. She was utterly shattered. The caveman that I am wanted to stand up and beat his chest because anyone who laid eyes on her for the next few days would know that she had been good and thoroughly fucked. 

“Are you hungry?” I asked softly. I was starving. 

“I’m famished.” she said sleepily. “But I honestly don't think I could move.”

“Same here babydoll.” I said. “But we need to eat. And I need more condoms. That is unless you want to get back to Dawsonville.” 

     I really hoped that she didn't want to leave. While I didn't want to examine what I was feeling for her just yet, I knew that I didn't want her to leave me here alone. This house was too big to leave me alone with my thoughts for too long. I knew that we needed to talk about all that has happened but I don’t let reality back in just yet. Because the truth of the matter was, I knew that when it finally sank in what had happened and what was happening between us finally dawned on either of us, we both would be forced to make some life altering decisions. More so me than her. I could already feel that things were different with her than they had been with anyone else.  

“I kinda do need to get back.” she said. “But not tonight.”

“Good. Go get showered and get some clothes on. Well go get something to eat. Doesn’t have to be anything fancy because I’m not really anxious to spend any time with anyone but you and this bed.” I said. Closing the distance between us, I placed a gentle kiss on her lips, lazily tangling my tongue with hers. But all too soon, she broke the kiss. 

     I watched as she climbed out of bed, and walked to my en suite bathroom. When she reached the door, she looked back over her shoulder giving me that “join me” look. I was helpless to deny it. Even though I didn't have any condoms, there was no way I was going to resist her possibly going down on me again.
     Stepping into the bathroom, I watched as she adjusted the taps and climbed in. Damn woman must have already known what I had been thinking because just as soon as I stepped into the shower, she sank to her knees and drew me into her mouth.


     After a very rewarding shower for both of us, we had gotten dressed and decided to head into town and get some pizza. As we rode along, I listened as she hummed along to “Tip it on Back” by Dierks. She looked completely relaxed. More so than she had even been since I’ve known her. When on the road, she was usually busy making sure that people were properly dressed and made sure that there were no wardrobe malfunctions. Then you had me who just liked to irritate her just because I could. Even though it had been fun to see her all riled up, I much more preferred to see her completely and utterly sated.  
     My phone ringing pulled me from thoughts. Glancing down at the ID I saw that it was Chase. What the hell did he want? Swiping the screen, I answered. 

“What's up man?” I said as I answered the phone. I saw the flash of panic in Bailey’s eyes, telling me that she didn't want anyone to know she was with me. Like I was going to tell anyone? Not that I was ashamed of her but because it wasn't anyones business “Why are you calling? I figured that you and Brinleigh would still be clawing at one another. I thought she was going to rape you before you could get off the stage good last night.”

“Man we have. I had to come outside to get some fresh air because I swear the woman is trying to kill me. I’d thought that she craved sex while pregnant. Put me on the road and my god B, I just might die from over-orgasming.” said Chase.

“Is that even a thing?” I asked. I knew where he was coming from. I was feeling a little weak myself from overexerting myself and not adding any fuel to the tank. But he didn't need to know that. “And even if it is, wouldn't it be one hell of a way to go?” 

“It would be the best way to go man. But I would like to see my boys turn one before my wife kills me. I can see it now, my cause of death will be too much sex in a 24 hours time frame.” said Chase, laughing at his own joke. Again, I was right there with him, minus the wife and kids part. But the sex part, yeah, I could definately relate. 

“The press would have a fucking field day with that headline.” I said laughing. 

“Oh shit, here comes Mrs. Nymphomaniac herself. I gotta go buddy. If I don't call you tomorrow, just know I went out the best way a man could. Been nice knowing ya man!” said Chase as he ended the call. 

“That Chase?” asked Bailey from beside me.

“Yeah, Brin is trying to kill him with sex.” I said, smirking at her.

“Seems I’m familiar with the concept. Pretty sure that is exactly what you were doing to me earlier.” she said, smirking at me.

“And like I told Chase, it would be one hell of a way to go.” I said, smirking back.

     Reaching across the console of my truck, I laced her fingers with mine before bringing her hand up to my lips and placing a kiss on her knuckles.

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