"Forgive me mother"

After that the whole family ate in silence. They all waited until Corvus would be finished with his breakfast even if they already ate or are still eating, the head of the house should be treated with respect and that's why no one moved from the table until Corvus stood up and went to his study room.

Alexia quikly went to her room and looked through her trunk, so she wouldn't leave something behind.

"Rodolphus, Rabastan, Alexia come!" her mother's voice could be heard in any corner of the manor.

"Plure" Alexia said and one of the house elves appeared in front of her.

"What can Plure help with, Miss Alexia?" The house elf bowed down so low that his nose almost touched the ground.

"Plure can you take my stuff down the stairs for me, please?"

"Of course Miss Alexia" and with a snap of his fingers her trunk disappeared from her room.

"Thank you " she smiled down to the house elf who quikly disappeared after.

Walking out of her room she headed towards the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, the whole family stood waiting for her.

Even though Rodolphus finished school four years ago he still comes with them to wish Rabastan good luck and now to Alexia too.

Rabastan was going to be a sixth year and a prefect this year, so as he reminded her the whole summer 'if there will be anybody who you don't like just tell me and they will have a week of detention' so in conclusion, Alexia can get herself into trouble and Rabastan will get her out of it. Useful.

Alexia grabbed her mother's arm as Rabastan grabbed their father's and apparated into the King Cross station, while Rodolphus apparated on his own.


The whole family apparated in the King Cross station, gracefully landing. It was early and not that many people were around. Because her father and mother don't want to be in some place where there is plenty of mudbloods and blood-traitors.

"Ugh, even if we come early there's still plenty of those blood-traitors and mudbloods" Leta voiced her thoughts aloud.

Rodolphus and mother walked next to each other wearing similar sneers on their faces as they look around.

The family of five walked towards the train that was decorated in red and gold colors and stopped a bit away from most of the people.

"My little girl, finally leaving like her brothers to make our family proud" Corvus says looking down at his youngest child.

"I expect receiving a letter from you when you get sorted into Slytherin" he adds with a wink.

"Now Alexia, don't associate yourself with those blood-traitors and mudbloods. Be proud to use your family name and if something gives you trouble, deal with them yourself or go to your brother. But I think we taught you well to deal it yourself. Be strong my little girl." her mother finishes gesturing toward where Rabastan stands when she mentioned him.

Alexia nodded and her parents moved to get their speech to Rabastan while Rodolphus came to say goodbye to his sister.

"Rodolphus what if I don't get sorted into Slytherin? What if I'm a Hufflepuff?! You always say I'm kind! Oh Merlin I will be dead aren't I? Oh Merlin what if I get sorted into Gryffindor?! I'm telling you this now, if my life will go into the direction of a red and gold path I will jump of the Astronomy tower myself before our parents could kill me-" Alexia got cut off by her brother's chuckle.

My Darling {Regulus Black}Where stories live. Discover now