Tartaglia [-] Ajax. Nice to meet you

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Y/N punched his shoulder playfully, "Shush not like that. Maybe sad wasn't the word, but you just had a disconnected look."

Turning his focus to the person next to him, Childe ran his gloved hand through his hair. "I guess I'm just a little homesick. Which is rare, since normally I don't get like that." He murmured.

Y/N hummed. "Nah, I get it. Sometimes I even get homesick, and I ran away from Inazuma. Crazy isn't it?" Y/N had decided to take their leave from Inazuma a little under a year ago.

Childe started to feel a little silly about it now. He had asked them about where they were from, thinking maybe they were from Liyue and had information on Rex Lapis. Instead, he received a story about how they hitchhiked on a ship from Inazuma to Liyue.

Ever since then the two of them got along quite well, but even then Childe was still not completely honest with them. They were quite aware he was a fatui Harbinger, but that didn't seem to phase them in the slightest.

"Hey Childe?" They asked, slightly dangling their arms over the railing. "I gotta question."

He turned his body around, leaning his back against the fence railing. "Ask away."

"I hope this isn't a stretch. But, what is your real name? I mean, I know you say it's alright to call you Childe, but you also said it was your alias. So it's not technically yours." They glanced over and met his blue eyes.

Childe opened his mouth to speak but hesitated for a minute. It's not like his name was secretive or anything, but it was a shocker they even cared enough to address him correctly.

"Well that depends. I have two more, so which one do you wanna know?" He smiled at his companion.

"Ah so you have three names? Look at you, being all fancy." They both shared a laugh and Y/N answered his question, "Well, I was going for the real one. But if you have some code name I can call you by, that'll work too."

Tossing his head back Childe turned to Y/N and reached his hand out. "Ajax. Nice to meet you."

For a moment it didn't actually register that Childe -- No, Ajax had just really revealed his name. For some reason Y/N thought it would have cost an arm and a leg. Then they latched his hand onto his.

"Nice to meet you, Ajax." Their hands lingered in each other's grasp for a moment longer than necessary.

Y/N turned away and looked into the distance of the Harbor. "Let me show you something. Follow me."

So Y/N took his hand and led him up towards the mountain. Ajax didn't complain, nor did he have enough time to. From behind them, the wind blew Y/N's hair back as they speed walked through the rest of Liyue Harbor.

Reaching the top, they had a view of the sun finally finishing its set, and Liyue completely turning in for the night.

"Isn't the view up here wonderful? It's a great place to clear your head." Y/N stated, taking in the air. "Perhaps it's better than staring into the ocean under the shadows.

Ajax was marveled at the sight. The ocean looked much better from up here, than it did close up. Especially now that he didn't have to see his gloomy reflection.

"Also, now that we're up here there's something else I want to say." Y/N turned to Ajax with a smile. "Happy birthday."

His eyes widened for a moment, before lowering. "Huh? How did you know that? I don't remember telling you."

Y/N laughed holding onto his shoulder, "No you didn't. But! Since we did work together for a short amount of time, there was a file on you. But your name er-- names were crossed out. Which is why I asked. Every personal file has a birthday on it, I just can't believe you didn't tell me!"

Feeling sheepish now, Ajax rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh is that so? I don't think I've heard someone tell me that in a while."

"Now you will! I didn't know what to get you for a present, so I just gave you the best thing I could think of. My presence."

Ajax let out a heartful laugh, "Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate it." He thanked them.

"My pleasure. Oh! One more thing. The file also included some of your backstory. What's with the whole trying to destroy Liyue with a sea god scenario?" They titled their head towards him, hands on their hips.

Ajax whistled nonchalantly. "What can I say? I am pretty ambitious." Though Y/N wasn't even frightened by it. They just laughed it off, which shocked him. "You find that amusing?"

"That's not it." They covered their mouth to stifle their laughter, "I just can't believe you lost. I mean come on, a sea god? How did you lose with that on your side?"

Putting his arms behind his head he sighed, "Plans ruined by a floating house and blonde traveller."

"No way. You lost to a house?"

"I'm starting to think you're making fun of me now."

Dw Childe we are making fun of you. Love you tho!

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