A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and a maid stood on the other side, a pile of clothes in her hands. I thanked her as I took them, but she only quickly bowed then left. I changed into a nightgown and climbed onto the cream and gold bed. I relaxed almost immediately and fell asleep.

I woke up pretty early. Like, before the sun was fully up early. I slowly got up and made my way to the doors of the balcony. I leaned over the stone edge and looked around, my heart sinking to my stomach when I realized I'm still stuck in the place with absolutely no memory of how I got here. I let myself hope that this was just come crazy dream and I'd wake up with everything back to normal. Whatever that may be. Still, there was nothing. The last thing I remember is walking into a bar five years ago, then nothing.

A tear fell from my eye just as the sun fully rose casting a beautiful golden light over this... kingdom. Still feels so weird to say. As far as being lost somewhere, this isn't so bad I guess. It's absolutely beautiful and warm in more ways than just the temperature. It just felt like everyone here was kind and generous, especially if Grant was any indication. I missed home though. I missed my friends and my family and I have absolutely no idea how to get back to them. What do they think happened to me? Definitely nothing close to this. To what actually happened.

I looked over to the stables, admiring the horses that were being let out. The thought of getting on one and riding it as far as possible wasn't the most unappealing idea. If I wasn't so clueless as to everything about this place, I probably would.


I turned at the voice and saw someone I didn't recognize. My whole body tensed as I looked at her, and looked almost as uncomfortable as I did.

"My name is Arya, I'm Grant's sister. He wanted me to bring you something to wear."

"Oh." I relaxed slightly as I took in her appearance. Her blue eyes were similar to Grant's, and her shoulder length blonde hair must've come from their mother. Their father must've had the dark brown waves like Grant.

"The guards told me you were awake so I thought I'd come now. That's okay right?"

How is she so considerate and nervous when I'm the one that's here uninvited? "Of course that's okay."

"I hung the dress in the bathroom. It's simple, but perfect for going out. Grant wants to take you to our seamstress for some clothes."

"What? No, that's totally not necessary."

Her brows furrowed slightly as the corners of her lips turned upwards. "He was right, your accent is... unusual."

I really wasn't sure what to say to that.

"Come with me, I'll help with the corset."

I arched a brow but followed her into the bathroom nonetheless, and my jaw dropped as I stepped inside. It was absolutely exquisite. Everything was white and gold with a beautiful turquoise marble for accents. It matched my bedroom perfectly. Everything there was white and gold with accents the same turquoise but in a much softer way.

I saw the dress hanging from a screen and walked over to it. I changed from my pajamas, or weird nightdress I guess, into the new one Arya gave me. I walked out so she could do the laces for me and I suddenly understand every woman in a period drama ever.

"Wow, you really aren't supposed to breathe are you?"

Arya laughed and loosened it a little. "My apologies. This is all I have that will fit you, everything else is custom made for me, this is a bit more universal. Not to mention, it's been a while since I've had to do the laces for someone."

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