answers for last set of questions

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1) Janamejaya

2) Arjuna

3) Sanjaya

4) Krishna

5) They lost in the Gambling Game

6) Laxmana

7) Bakasura

8) Sage Durvasa

9) Bhanumati

10) Shikhandini

11) 13 years

12) Bharadwaja

13) 10,000

14) Kampilya

15) Radayea

16) King Parikshit, the son of Abhimanyu and grandson of Arjuna.

17) Veda Vassya maha muni

18) They all went to the Himalayas after the Pandavas started to rule the kingdom but suddenly a forest fire broke out they all came to their end there.

19) It would destroy everything on its path and there is no remedy. Surrender with folded hands after dropping your weapons to the ground is the only remedy. If you think like in the present world you can again take your weapons and fight after the Astra has gone back Drona's son used it and destroyed one akshwahani of the Pandava army

20) Abhimanyu

21) Ashvameda yagna

22) On the tenth day of the war

23) A plough is Balarama's main weapon but he also uses a mace.

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