2nd set of 25 questions

569 16 166

1) Bhishma won the hands of three princesses for Vichitraveerya. Who were they?

2) Barbareeck, Bhīma's mighty grandson, was unable to participate in the war because he offered his severed head to his guru as 'guru Dakshina (fees). Who was his guru?

3) Friendship in the Mahabharata was defined by who?

4) When King Vichitraveerya died, who finally gave an heir to the Kuru clan?

5) Who taught Arjuna the 'Brahmastra'?

6) Who killed Dhrishtadyumna?

7) Abhimanyu, the son of Arjuna and Subhadra, was murdered while trying to break into a vyuha (army formation). Which vyuha was it?

8) Who was the oldest in the elder branch of the Kuru line, the son of Dhritarashtra?

9)What was the name of Eklavya's father?

10) As Karna walked away dejectedly after being cursed by Parashurama he killed an animal. What was it?

11) Name the venerable sage who fought Bhishma.

12) Which warrior shot the first arrow, thus beginning the war?

13) The "House of Lac" was built by whom?

14) Who was Shakuni?

15)Who was the mother of Ghadotkacha?

16) How many sons did Kunti have?

17)Who the kings in the Mahabharata had exactly one wife?

18)What is the most important rule that should be followed while fighting with the mace?

19) Who did Duryodhana crown as 'King of Anga'?

20)Who presented the bow "Gandiva" to Arjuna?

21)Who was Karna's charioteer in the war?

22) On the battlefield a great warrior sent the fatal arrows which pierced Bhishma. Who was he?

23)Which warrior on the Pandava side died on the first day of the war?

24)Who were Gatotkacha's parents?

25) Who killed Jarasandha?

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