Uncertainty, pt. 2

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'Is this story like, based on real events?' He questioned lightheartedly. Something was stopping Sen from letting his curiosity run free in his question or most likely he forgot. 

Y/n could see that he had replaced his original question.

'That's all? It seemed like you had something else in mind.' She wanted to check if her prediction had been right before she answered the question.

'Yeah miss, I just wanted to know.' His standard reply assured Miss Parker that it was nothing more. 

Miss Parker had a choice of saying that it was and wasn't real. As much as she knew Sen was quiet and not at all a participant in her lessons, she also knew his capabilities and how he managed to analyse a lot. She could tell he applied this to his everyday reality. 

'Well, all I know is that it's tragic and a great story! But if it were real then maybe we would've seen it on the news a few years ago.'

Y/n confidently covered up the truth with a bit of uncertainty and slyly snuck in her opinion on the story. She wanted to say more...

'Well actually-'

Saved by the bell, some would say. Just before any more was said, the rings of the bell replaced Miss Parker's words. 

'Wait Actually what, miss?' Sen wanted to hear what Miss Parker want to say. 

'It's fine, now hurry up and go to your next lesson.' She rushed Sen off his steps and right out of the class.

'It's lunch miss.' He corrected Y/n not realising he had fallen into her trick. 

'Yeah, yeah now go.' Miss Parker chuckled as she bid goodbye to her students. 


'Shit,  3:15, I'm late.' Y/n muttered under her breath as she apprehensively checked her smartwatch while packing her belongings. The vibrations of her phone interrupted her to alert Y/n that someone was calling her. 

*ticket person* 

decline / answer

'Ah fuck, fuck, fuck, I need to answer this quick.' A nervous spurt of fucks escaped from her mouth.

'You know you shouldn't swear so blatantly.' A near-fainted voice came from the door. Y/n continued to answer the phone and ignore the voice.

'I'm busy! Not right now please.'

She thought it was another teacher asking if she would attend a meeting. 


>Yeah uh, your car is parked here and I just wanted to warn you that it's close to being ticketed. >Do ya think you can come now? 

>Yes, I'm so sorry, I apologise for my inconvenience.

>Miss Parker, ya've apologised too many, just come quickly before someone sees me betraying the law. 

>Yeah, I'm coming thank you so much. 


Right as the call ended, Y/n immediately rushed outside of the class forgetting that there was one small thing.

A clash causing her phone to drop to the floor as she looks in front of her. 

'Oh my god, I'm so sorry-'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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