Chapter 10: First Flight, everything we know about them is wrong

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Ever since the human and he made a bond, he became fearful and worried for the boy since the boy would hurt himself too easily and he won't let that happen on his watch with the blonde and Stormcutter.

Hiccup was able to straighten himself in free fall as he tried to calm Toothless down, who was spinning out of control.

"Alright! You gotta kind angle yourself! Okay, no, no, no... Come back down towards me! Come back down- YOW!" Hiccup exclaimed but cried out in pain when he was hit by Toothless' wings.

Emily jumped off Optimus' back and landed on Toothless before holding her staff towards Hiccup who quickly grabbed onto it before using it to help him get on the saddle quickly with the cheat sheet between his teeth and hooked himself back on the saddle. Emily held on Hiccup's waist for dear life with her staff back on the straps on her back.

Hiccup pulled in the saddle hard with a muffled cry and made Toothless spread his wings on instincts. Emily looked back to Optimus who nodded and dove down past them.

"W-Where's Optimus going?!" Hiccup cry out.

"Don't worry! He knows what he's doing!" Emily reassured him.

Toothless tried to slow down so his passengers won't get hurt but they were coming down fast. He was able to slow down slightly but they were still coming down fast and towards a maze of sea stacks. Toothless roared out in fear of the collision as Hiccup pulled the cheat sheet from his mouth and looked between it and the danger approaching them fast.

"For the love of Primus, HICCUP, JUST LET GO OF THE PAPER!" Emily yelled out to him and he did so, throwing it away.

Hiccup held on the saddle for dear life with Emily holding onto him as he switched the tail fin positions by instincts. Toothless was able to maneuver out of the seat stacks before they avoided the last one. Hiccup looked back while Emily let go while the three were taking deep breaths to calm down while they couldn't believe what just happened.

Hiccup couldn't help himself and cheered in victory as Emily sighed and smiled at this. They heard a roar and saw Optimus flying towards them. Emily took out her staff and jumped on Optimus' back.

"YEEAHHH!" Toothless couldn't stop himself and fired a plasma bolt which exploded in front of him and Hiccup as Hiccup groaned at this.

"Ah, come on!" Hiccup groaned in dismay as Toothless let out a laugh as they crossed it.

Later at sunset on a sea stack, Hiccup and Toothless were resting while watching Emily and Optimus do tricks in the air before the two flew down and Emily hop down while stretching her arms.

"Best day ever." Emily said as she sighed in content.

"Yeah and our almost near death experience and getting almost burnt." Hiccup joked sarcastically and caused Emily and Hiccup to laugh as Hiccup was a little singe from earlier.

"Yeah, well, at least you can control that tail fin better without that paper." Emily told him while eating a couple of berries she got and sharing some to the other three.

Toothless soon started making the hacking sounds before regurgitating the head of the fish that he ate before he looked at Hiccup expectantly while Emily gag at that.

"Uh... no thanks. I'm good." Hiccup rejected politely as Toothless seemed to shrug and started to eat his fish.

They then hear squeaky roars and look up to see a flock of Terrible Terrors flying towards them and eyeing Toothless' pile of fish. Toothless growled and put his paw on his fish protectively. Emily and Hiccup eyed Toothless and the little dragons warily as the Terrible Terrors approach.

One tries to steal one fish but Toothless snap at it from trying to steal the fish. Another one came and took the head of the fish that Toothless spit out and started to eat it.

Another one tried to take it away but the second one growled at its companion and fired at it, causing it to run away. They watched the dragons in amusement before they noticed that one of the fish seemed to have come to life. They watched it before one of the Terrors came out of the pile and dragging the fish by the tail.

Toothless quickly bites on the head and the two dragons are in a tug of war. Toothless was able to pull the fish away and swallowed it and made a laughing sound at the Terror's face.

The Terrible Terror spits out the find and paws the ground while growling while Toothless gives it an uninterested look. The Terrible Terror stood on its hind legs and was about to fire but Toothless beat it to it and fired a harmless plasma bolt to its mouth and caused it to inflate like a balloon.

It fell down to the ground in a daze while smoke was coming out from its nostrils as Emily watched it with concerned eyes as Hiccup eyed it curiously while taking out one of his fish.

"Not so fireproof on the inside, are you?" Emily said as one Terrible Terror walked up to Emily and sniffed her curiously as Optimus just lay down.

"There you go." Hiccup said as he tossed one fish to it which surprised it a little but happily ate it before looking towards Hiccup who sat down.

The Terrible Terror looked at Hiccup curiously before walking towards him cautiously before walking to its side while nudging his hand and curled up beside his leg and sleeping in content. Hiccup put a hand on its back and stroked it gently and earned purrs from the small dragon. Hiccup just stared in wonder before a thought occurred to him. Have they been wrong? About the dragons?

"Everything we know about you guys is wrong." Hiccup muttered softly as he finally realized that dragons aren't the monsters the villagers think.

"Creatures like dragons aren't mindless beasts like your people think, Hiccup. People judge such magnificent creatures such as them as monsters. But like me and you, they're not. They're like us. Living beings. There's got to be a reason why the dragons raid the village." Emily told him as Hiccup looked at her.

"You really think so?" He asked and got a smile in return.

"I know so." Emily said.

They then went back to the cove after saying goodbye to the Terrible Terrors and heading back to the village. Emily and Hiccup were at the forge while Emily was cleaning her staff while Hiccup played with the pencil before an unexpected visitor surprised them.

1. How To Train Your Predacon (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon