"I know enough, dear brother," came his aunt's voice from the door, and he immediately turned in her direction, and at seeing her, he was speechless. By the Old Gods, she has grown to be so beautiful since the last time he saw her. She no longer was the little girl he knew, now she was a grown woman.

In this moment, she was wearing a long beautiful dress the colour of the sea, and it was fitting her body, accentuating her forms, and for sure turning his mind. Her hairs were let free, but there was a necklace at her neck. A necklace that he knew very well, because it was he the one to gift it to her before leaving for Winterfell. It was made with a pearl that he found in the bay and that was the colour of her eyes.

"You do? Then do tell me the name of this mysterious man that you love," his father said, leaning against the back of the chair, and crossing his arms, while his aunt, from her part sat down at the table, and greeted him instead, "Welcome home...Jon."

"Jaehaerys, not Jon," corrected her his father, while he rolled his eyes glancing at his brother, who was beating his lower lips to not laugh. When it came to names, there was always this fight between his father and his mother. She wanted him to have a Northern name, while he wanted it to be Targaryen, but in the end, it went that they gave him two names. "But I'm waiting for this mysterious name of the man you are in love to be revealed."

Daenerys didn't reply, taking a piece of lemon cake, her favorite to his knowledge, and sitting next to him. Her proximity made his heart race like a thousand horses in an open, field, and as regarding the name of her lover, he would much more prefer to leave this hall rather than hear her speak of a possible lover.

"I take your silence as the nonexistence of such a name, sister. So you will marry the winner of the damn tourney that you wanted so much, and if he does not have a title, I will make one, and if you don't like him, then you'll have to learn to like him," the king replied, trying to hold his anger, while his mother got up and left, but not before giving Jon a certain look as if he needed to say something, making him confused, and Elia followed right behind her after patting his shoulder.

Once that the only one left were the four of them, as his aunt was eating, Jon, taking another sip of water asked, "Who is taking part to the tourney?"

"My cousin Quentyn of course. The idiot can't wait to show himself off. Then there's Renly Baratheon and our cousin Joffrey Baratheon-"

"Are uncle and nephew really going to fight each other over a woman?"

"Renly has always hated Joffrey and his mother. I'm sure he can't wait to kick his ass," his father replied, while he glanced at his aunt, who was silent, with gaze fixed on the cake.

"Then there is a Royce...."

"Another one? Wasn't enough that Ysilla married uncle Viserys and got the Eyre after the extinction of the Arryn?"

"One more, one less, who cares. And anyway, he first needs to win," his father said, only for Daenerys to glare at him.

"Then we have some Frey knight fighting for Walder Frey, who recently become widower again," Aegon said, and Jon's belly turned at the thought that a filthy man like that could place his hands on Dany. "And every other son of lords or Lords from each kingdom who is not married yet, I would say," Aegon added, annoyedly, taking another sip of wine. "Oh, and they are all coming here to assist it. Almost all. Your uncle Eddard isn't coming as you know and neither the Northern Lords."

"Well, at least there will be something fun to see," he replied, not expecting Daenerys to pour the goblet with the water, he was drinking from over his head, and storming out of the hall, making the chair fall to the ground too.

A tourney for a brideजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें