| IV. The Journal |

Start from the beginning

"Kinda. My head is throbbing, though. She must have gotten me pretty good." Tommy mumbles, grabbing the back of his head.

"Do you want me to bring some pills or something?" Natalie asked. He shook his head and said, "No, no. Look, you go have some fun. I'm alright."

She thought of staying with him for a second but nodded, making her way to Kurt, who was talking to his campers. She waited for him to finish what he was saying before grabbing his hand and leading him to where no one was seeing.

"What?" Kurt asked.

"It's my brother- he's acting weird, again."


"I'm being serious, okay? We need to go back to the infirmary."

Kurt looks around and sighs, "Right now?"

"Right now, come on."

They both hurried their way to the infirmary, grabbing the keys and opening it. They went to Mary's personal office and grabbed the journal. Natalie was about to open the journal but saw a bottle of meds....or drugs in a drawer.

"Drugs?" Kurt shrugs at what they just found. "If you see anything related to Sarah Fier stop me from flipping the pages, okay?" She orders. Kurt nodded and began reading some of the pages, some minutes passed and they found nothing.

"Only drugs, great.." She was about to close the book until Kurt said, "A deal was made with the devil....Sarah Fier cut off her wicked hand on Satan's stone in exchange for eternal life," She started at Kurt's eyes, who was reading from the page she was about to pass, "...scarring the soil beneath with the witch's mark, bringing Darkness upon the land."

They both look at each other, confused as to what he just read and what the drawing meant, but were interrupted when glass broke. Both Kurt and Natalie jumped and hugged each other, afraid that someone was outside watching them.

They both walked towards where the glass broke, and jumped when they saw Tommy, Cindy, Alice and Arnie.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" All of them yelled. They stared at each other until Tommy said, "What are you guys doing?" Directing his question to Kurt and Natalie.

They stayed quiet for a moment, hesitating to answer. "We were- we were looking for Band-Aids?" Stutter Kurt. Natalie pursed her lips, rolling her eyes at the excuse Kurt just made.

"Natalie?" Tommy looked over her sister. Alice scoffed and said, "Oh, come on. They were just having fun- look they have drugs." She pointed at the meds Natalie had on her right hand.

"You were doing drugs?" Both Cindy and Tommy yelled. Kurt and Natalie's eyes widened, "No, no, no. We found this in Nurse's Lane drawer!"

"Why were you guys looking through her things?" Asked Cindy.

"We-" Natalie started. "You- her, she was looking for answers." She glared at Kurt, who looked panicked, "I thought you were gonna help me?"

"I'm sorry, I panicked!"

The older counselors looked at each other confused, wondering what the younger counselors were talking about.

"Look, remember what I said about the curse of Shadyside passing down to others?" Cindy and Tommy both nodded, Alice and Arnie on the other side were completely confused. "I think the curse it's still going."

"The curse of Shadyside?" Arnie asked. Kurt, Natalie, Tommy and Cindy all nodded.

Natalie went to grab the journal, flipping pages until she found the page they were reading from. She sat on the chair, signaling the others to come closer. "Okay, so this..." Moving her hands to point at the drawing and the note next to it. "...Is how the curse technically started, 312 years ago a deal was made with the devil....Sarah Fier cut off her wicked hand on Satan's stone in exchange for eternal life," Everyone stared at her trying to understand what she was saying, "...scarring the soil beneath with the witch's mark, bringing Darkness upon the land."

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