Start from the beginning

SATORI:"what is so funny human?"

YOU:" would say that the xenos are not very different from humans!"


YOU:"it's a form of referring to all intelligent species that aren't humans, I think is a high gothic word"

SATORI:"'s seems is like another form of saying youkai..."

YOU:"yeah, but i don't see you as monsters, more like my friends, friends with super powers of course, but friends after all!"

SATORI:"thanks..." Yeah...friend...

KOISHI:"you're looking a little friendly sister~"

SATORI:"ah,Koishi, i didn't see you there..."

KOISHI:"maybe you were focused in anything else, usually you are one of the few who can sense me...*giggles*"

SATORI:"i wasn't focused on anything I just...i was talking to Mr.Y/N"

KOISHI:"yeah, whatever *drags Satori away from the reader* howdy my N/N~"

YOU:"what's up Koishi? Everything ok?"

KOISHI:"yep, and i should be asking the same to you,that scumbag hurted you really bad, but don't worry! Your best friend Koishi is right here to take care of you!,and to take care of those who want to hurt you~"

YOU:"...let me guess, you killed him right?"

KOISHI:"hehe...let's say he is in a better place~"

YOU:"...ok...but what about the bodies?"

KOISHI:"i took care of them"

YOU:my God "o-ok"

KOISHI:"are you happy with it?"

YOU:"um...y-yes...i do"

SATORI:poor human, my sister is not going to leave him sane. But by the way, no one can know about me and Koishi, so i think I should tell them why am I here "i apologize for interrupting, but we have to go back home sister"

KOISHI:"what?! Why?!"

SATORI:"you have already made a lot of havoc in gensokyo, and now in the outside world, we should get back to home, also Reiuji and Rin are worried about you"

YOU:"really?...well, i guess it's a goodbye then"

SATORI:"and we are taking you with us"



YOU:"b-but this is my home, what about my friends and family? They are going to be worried about me"

SATORI:"no one said it's a choice, human, you are coming with us"

YOU:"are you kidnaping me?"

SATORI:"if you say so, yes"

YOU:"...ok, but just with one condition"

SATORI:"you are not on condition to bargain"

YOU:"please, just let me call my friends and my family to tell them that im going to be out for a time, so they won't be worried about me, also give me time to take some of my things with me"

SATORI:"in your actual condition you can't carry something, also we don't have time to lose, Yukari is probably waiting for us"

YOU:"please *hugs*"

SATORI:" *blushes* "


SATORI:" *sigh* ok human, but be quick, Yukari must be waiting for us, i told her to open a gap back to Gensokyo after some time"

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