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hi i just wanted to let whoever is reading this know that i am not going to finish this story lmao. It was originally created with and for people who i used to hold close to my heart but after seeing some of thier behavior i had to stop.

I might be making another story tho with similar cliches and stuff so if u care u can read  that.

Here was the canon ending btw:

Y/N and Taylor go find Zed and make them relase the xurse on the schools emo students and rhey are freed and Megan doesnt actually win its Sleep ( shamless non introduced self insert character) who is the real coochieman and they life the curse on the regular students. After they all leave the party or whatever they suddenly remember that they all forgot about saving rui, so they find him in mattchas basement but he is dead. Taylors tears of emoness bring him back and mattcha  gets canceled on Twitter for being heterophobic and also jail. And they all live happily emo after.

Thanks if u did read all this ( and are not from the discord server i was on lmao ) this was the first writinf project i have ever been this passionate about and i will truly think this is my magnum opus lmao

have fun and maybe see you next time ig

- Sleep aka Tired Olympian aka Tommy aka arsenejoker

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