meeting them again/becoming friend♡

Start from the beginning

"oh hey its the cutie from the shop!" noya turned red slightly but still smiled.

"that sounds gay bro" the bald headed one joked around but you deadpanned.

"because i am" you all just looked at eachother until you guys started laughing.

"oh hey here gimme your arm"

"huh? okay" you grabbed a sharpie and wrote your number and name.

"text me later, you seem cool!" with that you walked off.


~your pov~

kenma had come back the next week but this time with some rooster head looking guy. you learned his name was kuroo. kenma was playing minecraft and you asked him for his friend code. he gave it to you along with his number and you guys would play until 3 in the morning sometimes.

"kenma kenma kenma kenma CREEPER!"

"...the house"


"how do i unalive?"

"kenma nO"

"kenma yES"

you guys would also eat apple pies together at your parents bakery and you would even make some for him.


~your pov~

bokuto wanted to hang out with you and kuroo after the practice match and kuroo would use alot of pickup lines on you because he needed "practice".

"are you a keyboard?"

"wha- no"

"cuz youre my type"

"im hitting the delete key." he pouted and you rolled your eyes.

"but maybe i could copy and paste my number into your phone" this caused him to choke on his drink and you giggled.

you ended up giving him your number and you guys texted frequently. well he would wake you up with a pick-up line and youd have a come back.


~your pov~

you were actually at the mall planning on buying some new shoes and he recognized you so he ran up to you.


"oh hi bokuto"

"watcha doin here?!" his smile was nice. like way to nice and you were to suspicious.

"needed new shoes, i found a cool pair at this shop and i was-"


"huh? oh i guess.. only if youre not busy.."

"no im not!! i already got what i needed see?!" he held out his hand and he showed you the ring on his thumb.

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