
Start from the beginning

translation; come here, here your plates & come again with flacko yeah?"

"Yes, I'll definitely come again. I had a great time and thank you for the food!" you hugged her and Connie stood stiffly.

"Deja de tocar mi esposa! Esposasaaa heheh" he giggled wrapping an arm around your neck laying his head on yours.

translation; "stop touching my wife!..wife.."

"Espera, puedo sacar un foto?" you nodded and his mother moved back to take one, which was followed by damn near his entire family taking pictures of you.

translation; wait can i take a picture?

Connie stood leaning on you, kissing your cheek for the camera with the plates in one hand and the other around you. You smiled in the pictures, moving to kiss his cheek and finally Connie stuck his tongue out pressing it to your cheek as you smiled.

After that his family sighed calling him all kinds of nastys while he giggly walked you out. "Gimme ya keys" he handed them to you before moving his hands on both sides of the plates.

"Youu my numberr oneee!" he said as you unlocked the car, he opened the passenger door setting the wrapped up plates on the center console while he got it.

Placing them on the floor between his legs he took the hand you weren't using to start the car and placed it up his hoodie and shirt.

"Oh you think you Y/n #2 now?" you giggled as he slouched in the seat like a little kid. "Sooo...do you have a boyfrienddd?" you were trying to drive Connies car but he sat so fucking weird you were practically holding onto the wheel to stay forward.

"You fr rn?" he looked at you confused why you would think he was joking. He knows your his friend but he don't be wanting to fuck his friends like this.

"Well I've never had anybody this pretty drive my car before, I wanna know if you have a boyfriend so I can take you from him" you licked your lips cause this nigga smooth.

"Hmm..yeah I gotta boyfriend" he leans up in his seat, damn near pushing over the console as he gets real close to you.

"Should leave em" he whispered to your ears, you wiggled your neck to the side rubbing your ear against your shoulder.

"I can't do that, I really like him" you continued driving, glancing every now and then ensuring the food didn't spill.

"Ooh talk again, I like yo lips" he didn't care when his fingers moved to feel on your lips. Pressing on them, he really wanted to put his fingers in your mouth but he wanted you to egg him on first.

The difference between you and Connie drunk, was Connie didn't care at all, thats when the Connie in his head came out, but you had a little sense.

A red light came and Connie completely leaned over kissing onto your cheek. He was a lot more..firm? When he was drunk. It was like he liked the taste of your skin or something.

"Yo boyfriend a good kisser? Better than me?" longest red light ever, you were trying to be serious but myyy...the neck he was finna receive.

"Y-yeah..he do this thing with his ton- AH OKAY YOU BETTER YOU BETTER" Connie knew you was talm bout that lil CS he would draw into your skin with his tongue all the time.

𝗸𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗱, 𝗰.𝘀𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝐫Where stories live. Discover now