"We need to find Mick King. Tonight. Circumstances are that he is weakened and we don't want to give him a chance of finding more men to fight his battle. We need to find as many men as possible as fast as possible. Go out and knock on some bloody doors and get people up and moving. We will all meet here before heading to Manchester." Tommy spoke with a loud clear voice to make sure that everyone understood. The brothers already ran out to the people waiting just outside and barked their orders at them. The Shelby Family was showing off their leader skills brilliantly as it didn't take long before many men and a few women were gathered in the bedding shop. The desks were cleared out and were used for all the men coming in, counting guns and blunt weapons and organizing transportation.

"Tommy?" You had been watching over the whole thing and helped with the planning, but you didn't have a clue about the weapons that people brought and what ammo the different guns needed. Tommy was speaking to Johnny but turned around when you said his name. As a natural reaction he reached out to rest his hand on your arm. Touching you in any way had become much more important to him when you spoke, you had noticed.

"I think I know exactly where he is." You said in a low voice so that only the three of you could hear it. Tommy just lifted his eyebrows to signal to go on.

"I believe the only place he has or the last place there might be secure for him, is the club he is running for Lady Finch." You suggested and Johnny nodded eagerly even though you knew he didn't know much of the place.

"Christ... I think you might be right. But the place is still running, we can't just run in there and kill him. Lady Finch will never forgive us interrupting anyone in her club. She will never let us take over any businesses then." A deep line formed between his brows as he frown. He was not at all happy about this new information. All the big men with the blunt weapons might not be the best idea unless you could find a way for them to get into the building discreetly. If that was even possible when you were talking about the men who huffed and puffed like a steam locomotive when they were walking by you.

"You do not suppose that Lady Finch might hand over the drawing of the building? She is rather fond of us." You suggest, but you almost knew the answer.

"She's fond of YOU, but I'm certain that she doesn't want to get involved in any of this. It would take her time to find the drawings anyway and time is something we don't have." Tommy muttered and his eyes darted around.

"It's a casino, Tommy, I might be able to get in as a guest. They will recognize you any day, but not me." You suggested but Tommy held up a finger to signal you to stop.

"I'm not letting you walk in there alone." He declared.

"I could have a few of the big guys with me. No one would bat an eye as the club is for the upper class. I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one in there with a couple of bodyguards. I'll go change into another dress." You said quickly and was about to move to the stairs but Tommy caught your arm. You couldn't help but flinch a little which made Tommy let go immediately, knowing what that meant.

"You think you can find him in there alone, only flanked by muscles?"

"No of course not. The lot of you will find another way in, so that we got the whole ground covered. Besides, no one will suspect that any of us will just walk in the front door, so I think my way in will be the safest." Tommy looked you in the eye for a moment before he pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

"Y/n, go get changed. Johnny, call for attention." Tommy padded Johnny on the back and the man nodded once and trudged to the middle of the room. He roared at the top of his lunges until people got quiet. First when people stopped talking and whispering, you realised how loud it had been before.

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