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Requested by:N/A(Pls request i have writers block c':)
Tw:Mild Panic attack , involuntary regression
A/N:I may not update for a while due to some stuff going on. Also phones and tvs exist in mc in this one shot
Word count:1419


Summary:Techno is stressed about the upcoming war and is fighting off his regression until the voices force him to regress , Wilbur finds out about his regression and takes care of him.


Techno stood in the ravine , silently farming potatoes , listening to the faint voice of Wilbur preparing the war plans. The familiar voice drove the fuzziness in his head to the edge , wanting to be small , held , and told everything was okay. He quickly discarded the thought , scolding himself for almost slipping.

Soon enough he started to get a headache from forcing off his regression , and closed his eyes every now and then to ground himself. He kept farming , his grip on his tools tightening. The voices added to the pounding in his head , screaming at him to stop farming and be little. He told himself he had big things to do even though he was just overworking himself at this point.

He sighed and put down his tool as he finished harvesting all the potatoes. He had nothing else to do now and the thought made him panic. He couldn't afford to slip , not here , not when his 'brother' was around. He trusted him , but nobody knew about his regression , and he kept it that way for a reason. He let out a soft whine as he sunk to his knees with his hands over his ears , the voices screaming at him now. Tears welled up in his eyes and he squeezed them shut , his hands gripping tightly to his hair as his breathing grew rapid.


Wilbur's voice cut through the voices. Wilbur. Wilbur. Techno knew that voice! ''W-Wilby?'' he whimpered out. Wilbur's eyes widened at the sight of tears springing to his brothers eyes , rushing over and gently hugging him. ''Ive got you Techno..'' he said softly , holding onto his twin tightly as the younger of the two shook , silently clinging to Wilbur.

After a bit of Techno calming down Wilbur gently asked , ''Whats wrong?''. Techno teared up again out of frustration as he tried to tell Wilbur he was regressed but his words wouldnt come out right. '''mall'' he managed to say , only to confuse his brother to the max. Techno sniffled again. ''Techie small!'' he wailed , tears rolling down his cheeks now. ''Hey hey its okay , what do you mean small Tech?'' Wilbur asked , pulling his brother closer to his chest to calm him back down. ''Techie 'mall cuz 'tressed a-an didn Hab tim' ta be 'mall no more!..'' he cried , his little brain not knowing how to explain.

Wilbur gently rocked back and forth after pulling Techno into his lap. ''Hey Hey its okay Tech , im here bubba.. You're small? Do you mean age regression?'' he asked softly. Techno sniffled and nodded , happy his brother understood what was happening but scared hed be called gross and a pedophile like the last person who found out. Wilbur only smiled at him. ''How old are you feeling Techie?'' He asked. Wilbur knew about age regression due to Philza having an old friend who would regress , but he had least expected his twin , the most powerful man on the server(besides Dream) to regress. He figured it made sense with all the stress and trauma Techno was constantly put through though. Seeing Techno's surprised expression made him hum. ''What is it bub?'' Wilbur asked , noticing the tight grip on his shirt and rubbing Techno's back gently as he got a ''W-Wi'by no' mad?..'' in a whisper from Techno.

Wilbur's eyes widened. ''Of course not bubba , id never be mad at you little one. Can you tell me how old you are?'' he reassured , kissing Techno's forehead softly. Techno felt himself slipping into babyspace as he thought for a moment. He nuzzled close to Wil and whined. ''Do i have a tiny Lil Techie with me?'' Wil asked. Techno nodded with a small giggle. Wilbur stood up , Placing Techno on his hip. Techno babbled quietly before he stuffed his thumb in his mouth. Wilbur hummed and gently pulled his thumb away from his mouth. ''Thats icky baby. Do you have any pacis?'' He asked. Techno nodded and pulled up his inventory , pulling out a shulker box and handing it to Wilbur. Wilbur smiled and set the shulker down , using one hand to pull out a yellow pacifier and wiping it clean before holding it to Techno's lips. Techno immediately took it into his mouth and clung tightly to his twin. He nuzzled his face into Wilbur's shoulder , cooing and giggling softly as he played with his twins curly hair.

Wilbur smiled and held back an Aww as he saw how cute Techno was when in littlespace. He picked the shulker box back up and walked to his room as Techno didnt really have one and refused to let go of his brother. He placed the shulker back down and cooed at Techno who was content sucking on his pacifier and hugging Wilbur. '''ilby? 'owow?'' he asked quietly. Wilbur looked confused ''Hm?'' He hummed. '''a-an 'e 'owow..?'' Techno repeated , quieter as he shied away , looking down at his hands. ''Color? Do you want to color baby?'' Wilbur responded. Techno nodded shyly. '''es p'ease..'' he whispered. Wilbur smiled. ''Of course we can baby.'' he said and pulled out coloring books and crayons. Techno glanced over into the shulker and saw a blue sheep stuffie with a little crow pin on it and disc pin and gasped , making grabby hands. ''F'ien! F'ien!'' he chanted , his eyes tearing up at the realization his comfort object wasn't being held close. Wilbur quickly grabbed the sheep and gave it to Techno who quieted down and held tightly to the sheep , who he had named Friend. He tensed slightly as Wilbur set him down but was immediately distracted by the various coloring books and colorful crayons put in front of him. He had been about one before , but as soon as his hands grasped Friend he went down FAST. He suckled on his paci as he started to color happily.

Wilbur watched while scrolling through his phone , making sure Techno didn't get upset or sleepy. When he glanced back over he saw his brother rubbing his eyes with a hand. ''Are you tired baby?'' Wilbur asked gently. Techno nodded with a whine. Wilbur smiled and got up , picking Techno up and cradling him close. ''Are you hungry Techie?'' He asked , getting a sleepy nod in response. He nodded and set Techno down on the bed , where he made crawled to the shulker and pulled out a bottle and slip of paper where he had written down instructions for angel milk. He crawled back to Wilbur and tugged on his pant leg , as he was rummaging through chests. Wilbur turned and hummed. ''What is it Tech?'' he asked. Techno shyly held up the bottle and paper. Wilbur cooed. ''You want angel milk baby? '' Techno nodded. Wilbur picked the little up and gently took the bottle from him , making him angel milk before dabbling some on the back of his hand to test the temperature. Carrying Techno back to his room he laid down with Techno resting in his arms. He removed Techno's paci , replacing it with the bottle before Techno got upset. Techno started to drink the milk groggily , his hands grasping at Wilbur's hand on the bottle loosely. He had his eyes shut and soon enough he had finished the bottle. Removing it from his twins lips , Wilbur took notice that Techno was in his clothes from earlier before he had slipped and mentally cursed himself for forgetting to change him. ''Hey Techie? Can i change you into some comfy clothes before you go sleepies?'' Wilbur spoke softly , receiving a slurred coo in response.

Wilbur took it as a yes , and quickly grabbed a onesie from Techno's shulker , changing him as quickly and gently as possible , making sure to put a diaper on Techno just in case. When he finished he covered them both up , holding Techno close as the younger male fell asleep cuddled up safely in his brothers arms , a paci in his mouth , just like when they were kids.

''Youre safe now little brother.. I wont let anyone hurt you anymore.''

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