Alex Blake x Reader (Request)

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A/N: I just want to say a massive thank you to @merlemerlemerlemerle for this request. It was a really fun and emotional piece to write. I'm still taking requests so if you would like to see anything specific done then just drop me a message.

Y/n's POV

For as long as I have known the team I have kept them out of my personal life as much as I could, with only Alex knowing that I have a daughter. The reason I haven't let them get too close isn't because I don't trust them but because I'm scared that they'll get hurt just like my husband had been. He had been held at gunpoint by an old colleague who had snapped and even though I had pleaded with him to let Keith go he still shot Keith in the stomach. Although he was rushed to hospital and was taken straight into surgery he died later in the night.

Shaking myself out of my thoughts I was glad that I was the last person in the bullpen as I felt the tears that I had held back all day finally rolled down my cheeks. Shoving away the open I slumped down onto the desk and finally allowed myself to cry properly. Closing my eyes I can see Keith standing in front of me with that cheeky smile of his. I saw the man who had cradled our newborn daughter only a year before he left us and most importantly I could see the man I loved. This only made me cry harder as I knew that the moment I opened my eyes again he wouldn't be there and our daughter still wouldn't have her daddy in her life.

Alex's POV

About an hour after I had arrived home from work I realised that I had left my personal laptop in the bullpen and decided to dash back and grab it. Pulling into the carpark I noticed that y/n's car was still there and wondered why she would be here instead of at home with her daughter. Shaking away the thought I head into the building and go straight to our floor where I was completely shocked to see y/n hunched over her desk crying her heart out. Walking over to her desk I carefully placed a comforting hand on her shoulder only to feel her tense up before she bolted into a sitting position.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you y/n. I was just coming over to see if you were okay but judging by your red and puffy eyes you obviously aren't." I said and she gave me a teary smile.

"I thought that you had left for the night Alex." She said quietly as she reached up to wipe her eyes and I passed her a tissue out of my pocket.

"It's clean, don't worry." I reassured her and she chuckled as she wiped her eyes with it. "Want to talk about what's got you so down?" I asked half expecting her to shrug me off like I had often seen her do with the others so I was slightly surprised when she started to talk.

"I was thinking about my husband, d/n's dad. It's coming up for our anniversary and I guess that it really hit me that I wouldn't see him for our 15th anniversary. D/n is also starting to ask more questions about her dad and I don't know what to tell her." Y/n explained but I was completely confused. I knew that she had a daughter but I never knew that she was married.

"You were married? I never knew that." I asked gently and she shook her head with a guilty look in her eyes.

"None of the team do Alex, only you. Just like you're the only one that knows about d/n." She sighed. "I didn't want to let the team get too close because I was scared. I was scared that if I let them in that they would end up hurt, that's why I act like such a bitch towards everyone when we're not on cases." She explained and I was shocked at how fragile she seemed.

"Why were you scared that we would get hurt.? And if you didn't want us to get close, why did you tell me about d/n?" I asked, trying to understand the situation a bit better.

"A year after d/n was born a guy that I used to work with went crazy and took Keith hostage. He had Keith at gunpoint and was ranting about how Keith had ruined everything and how I was supposed to be with him. I pleaded with him to let Keith go, hell I even promised him that if he let Keith go I would run off with him before the police arrived. Unfortunately, he didn't believe me and shot Keith in the stomach just as the police arrived. They rushed him to the hospital where they managed to stabilize him but later in the night his body went into shock and he didn't pull through." She explained and I pulled her into me without thinking.

"I'm sorry y/n, I wish that I could take the pain away from you. But seeing as I can't do that I will promise that I won't tell a soul about this if you don't want me to." I promised her and she sighed against my chest.

"Strauss wants me to tell the team anyway Alex. She thinks that it might be good for me to finally let them in. Let them know about d/n and Keith." She told me and I just rubbed her shoulders. "She's right, she almost always has been in all the time that I've known her."

"She does have a tendency to be, yes." I chuckled and y/n followed close behind me.

"You asked why you're the only one that knows about d/n and why I'm telling you about Keith, well it's because I trust you. Somehow you got behind the wall I put up but you didn't push me, you let me be me and I truly do trust you Alex Blake. She said as she moved to look at me. "Both me and d/n trust you and she misses you. She misses her auntie Alex, as she's taken to calling you. I think that it's time to expand her aunts and uncles though." She added with a smile and I grinned at her.

"I think that the team would love that y/n." I told her happily. "Now I'm guessing that d/n is at her grandparents so why don't I grab my laptop then we head back to mine, have a couple of drinks and watch some movies?" I suggested and she nodded before clearing her desk. Quickly grabbing my laptop we headed out of the building and drove to mine separately. Once there we opened a bottle of wine and watched movies until we fell asleep tangled together, with my arm draped over her toned body while her head rests lightly on my chest.

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