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"I have to go to sleep omar"

"So what that doesnt mean you have to hang up you can sleep while on the phone" he said smiling at his phone while looking at me

"But your loud i wont be able to sleep"

"Ouch. I'll be quiet i promise"

"You sure"

"Mhmm. A promise is a promise"

"Ok goodnight"


As soon as i shut my eyes he started singing


He laughed "what it'll help you sleep" 

I shut my eyes again and he was still singing but softer. Which did help me fall asleep.

"Wake uppppp"

The voice scared me so i opened my eyes and looked at my phone "I forgot you were on the phone"

Omar smiled before he moved out of his camras view "goodmorning to you to now wake up we have a movie to film" his head popped back into frame.

"I dont wanna I want to sleep" I rolled onto my back "because someone kept me up till 2am" 

"I dont remember doing that" he gave me a dumb look "nope I dont think that was me. Now please get up or I'll drive out there and pull you out of bed myself"

"That just means I could see you earlier then usual" I said setting up and i grabbed my phone holding it some what closer to my face "but id rather get annoyed my my mom then listen to you the whole way there"

"Ouch again with the hateful words"

"I'm gonna get ready now byeeee"

"No stay on the phone till you get to set"

"Stubborn ok then I'll leave my phone right here" I set my phone down and got up. i grabbed some clothes from my closet.  Went to my bathroom and showered.

"Mom we can leave early" I said grabbing my phone and walking into the main part of the house

"Early I think omars habits are rubbing off on you" she said smiling at me

"I think so to isnt that great" omar said

"So you 2 are calling more now thats new" i rolled my eyes at her statement

"Can we go know"  she nodded and we left

"Miss boss" omar mumbled which caused my mother to laugh

When my mother pulled up outside of the set I hung up the call with omar which resulted in him blowing up my phone.

I got out of the car "I'll see you later mom love you" 

"Love you too sweetie" I closed my door and she drove off

I walked into the set building the first person i saw was omar its always omar. But the feeling i got in my stomach wasnt normal he smiled at me which madr the butterflies worse. He look at me with a worried lookbefore he walked up to me

"You ok youve gone pale" he asked placing a hanf on my forehead

"Im fine just felt a little lite headed" I moved his hand from my forehead and held it for a second

"As long as your sure. You should get to your dressing room and get ready we went over the scene we are filming today and you are in one later in the day" he said as he walked away.

"Madi i need to tell you something"
Natalie one of the girls on set i became friends with said running over to me as i walked to my dressing room

"About what" I asked her

"Omar its important but not bad in fact I think you'll love it" she followed me into my room

"Ok so tell me"

"So i might have over heard him talking about you yesterday he was with a group of actors from young royals and everything he said was amazing"

"So its bot something he told you but something you got from eavesdropping his conversation" I said giving her a stern look

"Well yes but he likes you in fact he said the feeling he has is driving him insane"

"Still Natalie it was a private conver" I paused "He said that. Like actually you arent lying to me"

"I wouldnt lie to you about something like this. You like him back"

"Im not answering that your such a gossip" I laughed "now get out I have to get ready" I said pushing her out of my room. 

Throughout theday i caught myself watch omars every move and I know he noticed. At some point I complete lost my train of thought and for got a few lines which resulted in me getting in trouble

"Cant focuse today huh" omar said sitting next to me "i wonder why oh wait i know ive noticed you watching me" a smirk formed on his face "i mean i see why"

I nudged him "shut up today has just been annoying so its been hard to focus"

"Yea ok. Need a ride home ot is your mom picking you up" he asked changing the subject

"I could use a ride home I'll let my mom know she doesnt have to drive all the way out here again"

"Sounds good to me" he got up and was call back for a re take on his last part "but hey stop watching everything i do and stay focused"

"No promises"  I shook my head as he walked away.

~this chapter is a little short but its just a filler for now enjoy <3

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