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First of all the teacher's name from the last chapter was the name of my kindergarten teacher.

Second of all, I keep getting distracted with this story so I wanted to start another one so that I could get another story out there. Here are the ideas that I have which include summaries.

Pyotr Romanov

Pyotr Benjarmin Romanov is the child of the Black Widow and Winter Soldier. He was bred to become a weapon for HYDRA and the Red Room. He was supposed to be taken away from his mother but she struck a deal with the two organizations. If she got to keep and train her son she would work harder than all of the girls combined. She would also learn 5 more languages and another martial arts technique. She was allowed to keep her son but one day Pyotr came into contact with a radioactive spider that added to the abilities that were handed down to him by his parents. In order to keep her child, Natalia burned down the Red Room and ran. She then met Clint Barton who helped her and her child. She became a S.H.E.I.L.D. agent and a better mother to her son. By this point in Pyotr's life, he was 4 almost 5 years old and his mom decided to send him to school in NYC under the alias Peter Benjamin Parker. 

Or- Natalia Alianova Romanova had a son in the Red Room. She got to hold him once before he was taken away from her. He was taken to a HYDRA base to be experimented on and trained. After a year of living in that hell, the base was raided by S.H.I.E.L.D. He was put into the care of the Parkers and had his name changed. 3 years later his mother was found and she joined S.H.I.E.L.D. She never stopped looking for her son but she eventually found out that he was in New York City. Queens to be exact. She did some more digging and found him. She decided to become a teacher for his sophomore year under the alias Natalia Petrova. What will happen when Peter or should I say Pyotr addresses her by her real name?

Comment prompt 1 or 2 if you vote for this one.

The Mutant Spider

What if Uncle Ben and Aunt May's death activated a gene in Peter's DNA? What if that gene was the X-gene? What if his powers didn't come from a spider bite? 

Or- What if a certain radioactive spider activated an X-Gene in Peter's DNA? What if the gene activated to protected him from the spider and gave him the powers of the arachnid along with a few extra abilities.

The X-Men will appear in this and Aunt May is shot along with Ben in a mass shooting, not mugging/robbery. Also, if you do vote for this one please put the title and then 1 or 2 depending on the one you want.

The Wolf Spider

What if HYDRA had a weapon that is better than the Winter Soldier? In this book, Pyotr will be rescued from HYDRA.

What if Peter snapped?

This is basically, Peter snaps in the endgame and lives but gets his identity revealed in the process.

Life as an Orphan

What if everyone Peter loved died before he could turn 10? What if he got his powers when he moved into the orphanage? What if the avengers didn't know him? What if he was adopted by an ex-Russian assassin?

The Raft

What if after Civil War Peter ended up in the Raft and got his identity revealed in the process?


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