Chapter 1

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It was another day for the hogwarts students, tomorrow they would go home for the summer holiday. The halls buzzed with excited, as people talked about what they were doing in the summer.
Except, from the marauders.
They didn't want to accept the fact that Sirius was going to go home and see his abusive family again.
Who knew what was going to happen?
They all sat outside on the grass, the sun gleaming on them as they tried to figure out what to do.
James potter, was trying to lighten the mood by cracking jokes as he usually does, but nothing was helping.
They all knew nothing was going to be alright, for sirius.
They all sat in silence, looking at the sun, as if the world was going to end.
For them, it felt like it was.

Everything was falling apart.
It was summer and they wouldn't see each other for 6  weeks, who knew what would happen?
Sirius was going to an abusive household.
Remus wasn't going to have Sirius, when he turned into a werewolf.
The wizarding war was coming. They could feel it.
All of it.

But, life must go on, I suppose.

James pushed himself up and stood infront of Sirius, his best friend.
"Come on, we need to atleast get to class, or professor mcgonagoll, will kill us," he said holding out a hand.
Sirius reluctantly took his hand, as the marauders all got up and looked around them.
No one was here.
They were late. All of them.
Shit, shit, shit, shit.

"So we have three options, try to skip, go late, or kill ourselves." Remus said.
"I say the third option sounds sensible, lupin," Sirius says sarcastically.
"Shit. I say we... oh idk, it's the last day ffs. We may as well skip." James says, as he starts plotting on what to do.
"Uh I say, we run," peter says to them, as he looked behind them.
"What? Why?" Remus asked, he was confused as Peter hated running.
"Oh shit!" Sirius screamed as he turned around.
"What? SHIT!" Remus shouted.
The three began running when they realised James wasn't with them, he was still outside, stationary, thinking, while filch was behind him with a grin on his face.
"JAMES!" They shouted.
"What?!" He shouted, when he turned and saw filch.
He screamed and ran off bumping his head into a pillar and falling.
"Aah fucking hell," he said rubbing his head.
"James! Fucking run!" Sirius shouted pulling James, as filch tried to chase James, causing him to hit the pillar and fall backwards.
"Shit. Should we help him?" Peter asked.
"Idk," Remus said.
Suddenly, filch woke up, startling the four of them.
"I say run," Sirius said as he ran off, with a huge smile plastered on his face.
"Come on prongs!" He shouted, with his arms out like a bird and running with the wind.

The four ran after him, running through corridors, before hiding behind a broken painting with a passageway behind it.
They all let out a breath as filch passed by panting.
"Well, this is a fun way to spend our last day, huh?" James said grinning.
"I'm hungry," Peter complained.
"Shall we go to the kitchens and get a bunch of food?" Sirius asked them smiling.
"Seriously? Both of u?" Remus complained at them.
"Uhhh yeah," James said as he was also hungry.
"Fine." Remus said as they checked from behind the painting, down the corridor.
"All clear," James said as they all hopped out and ran down the corridors until they got to the kitchens in the dungeon.
They all went inside and got snacks as they ran back to their hiding places.

So they spent the rest of their afternoon, hiding in their, eating away and chatting for hours on end.
They had the times of their lives, laughing with joy.
Eventually they got bored, and roamed the hallways for a bit, until they saw filch at the end of the corridor, and they began running away once more.

For once the marauders we're having fun.
They forgot all their worries and troubles, and actually had fun.

But all good things must always come to an end.

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