Letting Go.... Moving On.... Chapter 13

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Ericka’s P.O.V.

I bit down on my straw, lost in thought over last week. Jayk came into the diner like always to visit me at work. We laughed and joked about how we’d definitely have to challenge Kathy and Tony to a rematch…. And then his smile vanished, and he began to slowly spin the coffee cup around, looking down at it as if he was fighting an internal battle with himself.

“Jayk”, I’d called his name a few times before he looked up. “What’s going on”?

He pushed the coffee cup forward. “Could you pour me another cup”?

I looked at him suspiciously. “You don’t even like the coffee here. Care to tell me what’s really going on? We’re friends, right? You can trust me. If something is bothering you….” I trailed on, but he only looked like he was half listening to anything I was saying.

He sighed. “I was going to ask you something.” He finally said.

“Oh yeah, what is it?” I said with my arms folded across my chest, eye brows rose. I probably wasn’t helping the situation at all.

“I was going to ask if you’d like to be….” He began, but he got cut off when I saw who had just walked into the diner. “Kendall.” I said, not realizing I’d said it aloud. “Kendall?” Jayk repeated me, confused. He turned around and saw who I was looking at, turned back and said, “Oh.”

“Hello, love.” Kendall said walking up with a bouquet of blue carnations, my favorite flower. They were lovely, but part of me was mad at him, and no amount of flowers would make up for it.

“Long time no see?” I said with bitterness to my tone.

He set the flowers down on the counter and took a seat in front of them. “I know it’s been a while. I can explain.”

“No need to explain.” I said, pouring some coffee into the customer’s cup that was sitting a few spots away from him. “We only went on one date, you don’t owe me anything.” I watched Jayk get up and walk out as I came back over to the counter, only a few singles left on the table where he’d been sitting. No good-bye, no see ya later… He just left.

Kendall looked over his shoulder as Jayk walked out of the door, and then looked back at me. “Is that your boyfriend?” He asked.

“No, he’s a friend, but we were in the middle of a conversation and you just interrupted.” I replied. I’d have to remember to call Jayk later and see what he wanted to ask me.

Kendall looked down at the menu. “Sorry.” He said. I left to take a few more orders; by the time I came back Kendall was pretty much done with his breakfast.

“You’re still here I see.” I said.

“I was hoping I could convince you to come over tonight so I could show you what’s kept me so busy lately.”

He looked up at me with those pretty green eyes, sparkling like emeralds. After a few minutes of silence he stuck his bottom lip out to pout. I laughed. “Ok, fine.”

“Hello, earth to Ericka”. Brittany said snapping her fingers, pulling me back to reality.

“I think your drink is gone, you can stop killing the straw now”. Alexis said laughing. Brittany and Kathy joined in. I glanced down at my empty cup, and finally abandoned it with a smile.

“I was just asking for your opinion on what I should wear for my date with Tony tonight?” Kathy asked, staring at me.

“Oh”, I said. “Um, I think the blue sundress you bought is pretty.”

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