"Please, please, please! Hel-" (First Name) covered her ears as she didn't want to hear the person gargle on their blood as they died. She uncovered her ears when Michael entered the RV. She held her breath and covered her nose when the scent of iron hit her senses. He tilted his head and tried to reach for her, but she scooted away and quickly spat out an explanation, "You're covered in blood, please don't touch me." Michael obliged and didn't attempt to reach for her again. "Can you- Can you clean up the blood first before I go on your back?" She asked cautiously.

She could see the annoyance in his eyes, but much to his displeasure, he listened to her request and exited the RV to rinse off the blood. After he left, (First Name) was left with her thoughts. Despite her injury and the possible punishment she would receive, all she could think about was escaping. The (Hair Color) haired woman waited for what felt like a minute or two before she got up from the booth and carefully stepped down the steps to slowly open the door. She peeked her head out and didn't see anyone in sight, especially Michael. (First Name) looked down and with wide eyes, she swiftly shut the door back and stumbled back on the steps. She fell down on her butt on the top step with gritted teeth before she forced herself up to open the door again.

The young woman struggled to keep the door open and sighed in relief once she was able to get it to stay. She looked down at the body once more and gulped down the pain she felt in her foot and the bile that threatened to leave her lips before she began to loot. (First Name) didn't enjoy looting a fresh corpse, but she was desperate to find a cell phone. She nervously laughed out of excitement when she found the person's phone. Their phone case was their wallet so she was able to see the person's ID. Princess York. What a, uh, interesting name... I guess. Princess' ID card says she's a blonde, but her dark brown roots said otherwise, with dark blue eyes. In person, she had tan-orange skin. She was also wearing an iTan jacket, so (First Name) didn't question why her tan was the way it was. (Eye Color) eyes averted from the body to the phone. An iPhone 8 Plus. I'll need their fingerprints.

(First Name) grabbed Princess' hand and placed her thumb onto the home button. The phone unlocked much to (First Name)'s delight and she scattered back into the RV. She struggled to close the door, which was becoming a problem for her as she had no idea how much time she had left and she believed if he saw her outside, she would be done for. What is wrong with this door?! How does Michael open it and close it with ease?! (First Name) screamed in her thoughts as she didn't have enough traction on the ground for her to be able to use all her strength on the door. Her eyes widened when she saw a large hand grab the door and helped unstuck it. She whipped her head to see Michael staring down at her. (First Name) tried to hide the phone, but Michael grabbed it out of her hands and roughly pushed her down. She yelped when she tumbled back over the corpse and onto the ground. How many dead bodies am I going to trip over?!

Michael inspected the phone for a moment before he took the phone out of the case and slammed it on the ground. Her jaw dropped when she watched him crush it more with his shoe. There goes my chance at finding out where I am and finding help. She watched him go through the wallet and stole all the money that was in it along with some cards. She assumed one was a debit and the other was a credit card. Once he got what he wanted, he tossed the wallet to the side and opened the passenger door to place the money and cards on the chair.

(First Name) flinched at the sound of the passenger door slamming and cautiously opened her eyes to see a scowling Michael. "I wasn't going to call for help if that's what you think. I only took the phone to find out where we are," She partially lied and then sadly looked at the ground. "Not like they would help me anyway. At the diner, the operator refused to send any help because you killed his sister and he blamed me for it." His eyes relaxed and tilted his head at her before turning around to bend down for her to get on his back. She opened her mouth to reject the idea of heading to the bathrooms, but she decided to bite her tongue as she didn't want to irritate him anymore.

Deleterious (Michael Myers x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt