i remember one time in first grade where

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it was a classroom of all girls, and it was early as hell in the morning. and then one annoying energetic girl started twerking. and i just looked at jer in pure disappointment. 

its 6:30 on a school day. ain't no body wanna see that shit🙄

anyways it all went down hill when she started taking off her clothes.

now , bear with me here

I don't think she knew what she was doing, especially because we were in 1st grade 😳

but another girl joined in and started taking off her clothes 

it was so weird omg

and then she started twerking

they were twerking and all I could do was sit there and wonder what the world has come to.

but theres this hallway that connects the classrooms

we were in the classroom on the right. so she was in the doorway/hallway (I don't even know) but she was in perfect view of the teacher

like im talking 


twerking girl --------------------------------------teachers desk.


so the teacher had SAW her.

and everyone went silent.

and then the other girl (the one who wasn't in view of the teacher) started putting her clothes back on.

and the other one?

she got in trouble

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