It made my jaw drop at End's statement. " I was born where magic still existed?! "

" Not just that brat. You have a the magic that can use any elements or any magic a dragon nor a demon has meaning your not just a mage. You're also a dragon slayer, you Baka "

" so that's why I have amazing sensing abilities? "

" duhhhhh, doesn't your probably got everything right? "

I was clearly dumbfounded by their words and soon paid attention to End's statement.

" you lived in a peaceful nation that your father ruled, his name is Tatsuya Dragneel and your mother Anna Dragneel. You have 2 older brothers there names are Zeref and Natsu Dragneel. You guys lived peacefully until when Zeref turned 8 and Natsu 5 and you 3, your nation was attacked by a dragon name Acnologia, a dragon that despises human beings. Zeref was the only person who survived the attack, you and your brother and parents died. "

" but if I'm dead doesn't that mean I shouldn't be alive now? "

" that's we're getting there. You're brother Zeref was so depressed at your death he wanted to avenge you guys. So he went to an academy for wizards, he suddenly began interested at the dead, so he studied it for many years. "

" now I know where I got my curiosity and my love of books and amazing knowledge comes from... "

" but things doesn't goes as you wanted it, raising the dead is too much. The Gods got annoyed and upset and soon placed an unbreakable curse on your brother, a curse that can kill any life when there in a negative state. You're brother Zeref was now a walking cursed immortal"

" soon he went off to bring you and your brother Natsu back to life. So he went to every demon and dragon to ask for there blood and soon made an empire, we're he rules. First he created Natsu and gave him Igneel's blood and some of the dragons ability, he was called End. His full name is Enderous Natsu Dragneel and lastly he created you he gave you both of the Dragons and Demons blood, and he soon named you ASD, or Astheria Sakura Dragneel. You both woke up and bonded with him "

" surprisingly you three have the same thing in common. Soon your brother's enemies heard about you and even tried to kill you but failed. Soon he gave you both to me, and I raised you and taught you both to control your dragon powers"

" then he created me, to help you control your demon powers Sakura, soon he wrote every spells he knows in every book and sealed it and can only be open by a Dragneel. He sealed me in you and then gave you the books. But I great war happened and made you Natsu apart. While Igneel was carrying you on his back safely away from the enemies, but Igneel was hit on the wings that made him unbalanced and you slipped from Natsu's hands and fell to the Enchanted River that sended you here "

I was utterly speechless then I soon spoke " then why can't I remember anything? "

" because your brother thought you both will be too strong and uncontrollable when your together or when something bad happens to you, after the war I died and gave your brother Natsu and Zeref the books of all dragon slayer magic. And soon Natsu lost control and burned the whole forest and life around him, and you lost control when you woke up and killed many life going near you and around you. So you're brother erased both of your memories and waited till your in good hands. He was there when you we're found by the Uchiha couple at the forest and he watched your brother Natsu being found by a guild master and raised him there "

" basically you know the rest.... "

" so that means I'm an Immortal and a mage... Cool! "

I was so happy and yet sad and upset but soon shrugged it off, suddenly Igneel mentioned something " hey brat. Get the bag you had when they found you, and get one of the book that says ' ASD ' it contains every detail of your magic and etc. "

" okay, but how do I get out of here?" I asked as Igneel groaned while End sweat dropped. " Just close your eyes and think your in a place full of lights" I arched a brow but soon obeyed and soon did what I was told.


As I opened my eyes and saw I was back at my room asleep in the floor in my light pink fur carpet. And soon got up and walked towards my bookshelf and soon I looked for my trigger lever, which was a dark green book and soon my shelf moved to the side and soon showed a room full of books. It actually my secret library where no one knows not even my parents nor the hokage knows.

I walked straight and soon looked for my old bag and I finally saw it, I gave it a one big blow and soon cough from the dust it has and soon took the book with a dark pink leather and it even says ASD I smiled at it and soon walked to my bed and sit crossed legged.

End and Igneel suddenly made a chant and wanted me to copy it. " Demons spread through the night, Dragons roar in the sky and light. We Dragneels chant this spell to open this book in our arms, So we can tell our own spells "

Soon the book glowed a large light of light pink and soon opened the book. I began to read it and it was very interesting. I'm going to use this in missions soon I thought as I giggled.

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